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Mailchimp JavaScript breaks Backbone #788

Open postmastersteve opened 7 years ago

postmastersteve commented 7 years ago

When a user pasted embed code from Mailchimp, the code prevents Backbone from loading properly.

This causes ProPhoto 6 Grids to break.

Here is an example of the embed code that is used: (uuid and lid have been changed)

<script type="text/javascript" src="//" data-dojo-config="usePlainJson: true, isDebug: false"></script><script type="text/javascript">require(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"123a4bcd56e78f9a01bc23456","lid":"1234567abc"}) })</script>
postmastersteve commented 7 years ago

+1 Sandra Kourah ticket 169375

postmastersteve commented 7 years ago

+1 Jacquelyn Miller ticket 169345

postmastersteve commented 7 years ago

+1 Stacy Jacob ticket 168627

postmastersteve commented 7 years ago

+1 John Bergmann ticket 169069

postmastersteve commented 7 years ago

+1 Kelly Mays ticket 169551

postmastersteve commented 7 years ago

+1 Angela Navarette ticket 170239

JenniferClare commented 6 years ago

Had this problem with Mad Mimi too!

lalunecreative commented 6 years ago

On October 25th 2017, Mailchimp changed it's form/popup builder (and it's code), I've been testing the code on a couple of demos and I'm not seeing the issue with grids any longer, but Mailchimp isn't compatible with ProPhoto, since it still just doesn't work, with either placing the java in a widget or the java box in the settings. We need to upgrade this ticket to a "Make mailchimp compatible with ProPhoto" ticket, and not just any fixes that need to be made.

*Embedded forms, and general forms added via link or via the P6 text widget work perfectly fine. "Subscriber Pop up Forms" don't work in ProPhoto.

lalunecreative commented 6 years ago

+1 Katya Nova (La Lune Ticket) - Wants to be able to embed a popup in her ProPhoto site either for the entire site or just one template.

lalunecreative commented 6 years ago

+1 Cassie Gigstead‎ (Facebook) wants to be able to add a popup form into her prophoto design.