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Sync - 2 way? #104

Closed fictitiousexistence closed 1 year ago

fictitiousexistence commented 1 year ago

No errors on my end just a question.

Is sync supposed to be 2 way or download only?

There is an add command which made me thing sync should push added entries to the server.

When I sync there is no error but the new entry does not show up on the server.

On the github readme it states "rbw sync will .... before downloading the password database"


doy commented 1 year ago

rbw sync is one way (only pulling new data from the server), but rbw add (and generate, etc) should update the server directly. do you not see updates after running rbw add?

fictitiousexistence commented 1 year ago

@doy Thanks for the multiple profile merge btw!

Yes, when I do "RBW_PROFILE=personal rbw add testentry username --uri https://someurl"

I get a vim prompt to add the pass. Save. And then I can do "RBW_PROFILE=personal rbw get testentry" and get the password. But it does not show up on the server.


doy commented 1 year ago

are you sure you're looking at the correct server? the way that rbw add works is that it posts the data to the server and then runs rbw sync to download the updated vault, so if rbw get is returning the correct data, it must be living on the server somewhere.

fictitiousexistence commented 1 year ago

@doy I was using the right server for sure. It was something on my end. No idea what. Maybe just a fluke with the search feature. I added 2 entries today and I see them on the server.
