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Improve "rbw get" search #114

Open GRbit opened 1 year ago

GRbit commented 1 year ago

When I search for an entry, sometimes I want a better search matching. For example, when I use two words in search, rbw interprets it as an email, so I need to change query. Like this:

[0] $ rbw get Company gmail
rbw get: couldn't find entry for 'gmail@Company': no entry found
[1] $ rbw get 'Company gmail'
[0] $

It would be great to not only add a fallback in case "nothing was found", but maybe also try to implement other search improvements. My first suggestion — if all letters in a request are lowercase, then make the search case insensitive. The next step could be a "non-strict search" which allows typos (only if nothing was found with the original request).

@doy can you share your thought on this? Which improvements you'd like to see in PR's, and which would be too much?

doy commented 12 months ago

i think i would prefer for rbw get to continue working the way it does currently, because having a consistent way to find specific entries is useful. i wouldn't be opposed to a new keyword (rbw search or whatever) that implemented more complicated behavior, though.

GRbit commented 12 months ago

Totally agree with your thoughts on consistency. I hat myself when the tool I use behave in a different way after the update. My mistake was that I would imagine some one relies on "nothing was found" behavior. Ne search command indeed looks like a better solution.

P.S.: I still don't quite follow the way it works with two words. Could you maybe explain the logic?

doy commented 12 months ago

the syntax is rbw get NAME USER, so in your example, it is looking for an password entry named Company where the username is gmail. using quotes like in your second example is the correct way to retrieve entries where the name includes spaces.

dgmcdona commented 6 months ago

@GRbit One thing to consider may be to pair it with something like fzf:

passwd() {
  rbw unlock && rbw get "$(rbw list | fzf)"

Edited to add unlock command

GRbit commented 6 months ago

@dgmcdona that's f*cking brilliant!

With this I think I'd rather close the issue. That works like a charm.

dgmcdona commented 6 months ago

Glad it works for you! I realized after posting that it helps if you also prefix that with a call to rbw unlock so things don't get funky if the vault hasn't been unlocked yet.

synnack commented 5 months ago

Based on @dgmcdona's script I made a slight modification to allow get --raw, --field xxx and --full as parameters (as I need --raw or --field PIN to get custom field PIN for bank cards). And I like to search in folder names as well :)

rbwsearch() {

    while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
        case $1 in
            RBW_ARGS+=("$1" "$2")
    rbw unlock || return
    IFS=$'\t' read -r NAME FOLDER < <(rbw list --fields name,folder|fzf -q "${SEARCH_ARGS[*]}")
    if [ -n "$FOLDER" ]; then
        RBW_ARGS+=("--folder" "$FOLDER")
    rbw get "${RBW_ARGS[@]}" "$NAME"