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Implement fido2/webauthn second-factor auth #116

Open quexten opened 1 year ago

quexten commented 1 year ago

This PR implements support for Yubikeys and other Fido2 (Webauthn) tokens as a second factor.

It is currently tested and working with Vaultwarden and a Yubikey 5C, but still needs cleanup / testing.

Fixes #7. Might also make #76 redundant, since newer Yubikeys support Fido2.

quexten commented 1 year ago

@ambroisie For some reason I received your comments on this PR via email but don't see them in GitHub. Anyways, I removed the unecessary cloning code in the last commit, it was left over from when I tried a different Fido2 library, and I hadn't gotten around to cleaning it up yet.

ambroisie commented 1 year ago

@quexten yes, upon closer inspection I realized that the code was just scaffolding, hence why I deleted my comments.

quexten commented 1 year ago

I cleaned up the PR a bit now. I had to make this an optional feature (compiled with cargo build --features=webauthn) because the webauthn-rs library requires openssl.

Other than that I'm fairly happy with the state the PR is in right now for a first version.

One more improvement that could be made would be to only read the pin when needed. I haven't yet debugged why, but for some reason webauthn-rs always wants the pin, even when Firefox does not require the pin at all for Bitwarden. That way we could remove the code handling the token pin. But maybe that's for a follow-up PR.

doy commented 1 year ago

thanks for this! i'll probably hold off on this until the webauthn crates are actually on to avoid having to deal with git revisions. i'd also like for this to be an optional feature, because this does seem to pull in a bunch of dependencies that are going to be annoying to build on some platforms. feel free to poke me once those things are in place and i'll look things over more closely (i've been a bit busy the past few weeks).

jess-sol commented 8 months ago

Now that webauthn-rs is on, is there interest in resurrecting this PR?

quexten commented 8 months ago

Now that webauthn-rs is on, is there interest in resurrecting this PR?

As far as I can see, the version on is 0.4.8, which is still behind the required 0.5.0. Currently the pr uses 0.5.0-dev, which - while it is on - is a pre-release, so not sure if that should already be included.

Regardless, due to time constraints, I can't currently work on the PR though might at a future date. Aside from that, anyone who needs it right now can of course take over the PR.

mochaaP commented 2 months ago needs a reimplementation with in place