doy / spreadsheet-parsexlsx

parse XLSX files
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missing VERSION when installing or running from git #56

Closed Tux closed 8 years ago

Tux commented 8 years ago

As currently Spreadsheet/ does not have a $VERSION, which it has in a dist from CPAN, it will be disabled in Spreadsheet::Read, which decides to use a module based on $module::VERSION

That makes testing against bleading edge Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX harder. Much harder.

I can try to switch to using $module->VERSION, but I rather see $VERSION return in the git checkout blib (not required in lib/). Would that be possible? As it stands now, blib does not reflect what will be installed from CPAN, nor reflects a "real" installation when using $PERL5LIB

doy commented 8 years ago

If you run dzil build, it will generate all of the required files for testing.

Tux commented 8 years ago
$ git log | head -3
commit a1f317917775f7d286d9d22e8387b5c2f0396e96
Author: Jesse Luehrs <>
Date:   Mon May 23 02:52:57 2016 -0400
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
$ dzil build
[DZ] folding deprecated options (module_finder, script_finder) into finder
!!! [EOLTests] is deprecated and may be removed in a future release; replace it with [Test::EOL] (note the different default filename)
 at /pro/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.24.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld/Class/MOP/Method/ line 43.
[DZ] beginning to build Spreadsheet-ParseXLSX
[@DOY/Git::NextVersion] Bumping version from 0.20 to 0.21
[DZ] guessing dist's main_module is lib/Spreadsheet/
[@DOY/PkgVersion] no blank line for $VERSION after package Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX statement in lib/Spreadsheet/ line 1
[@DOY/PkgVersion] no blank line for $VERSION after package Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX::Decryptor statement in lib/Spreadsheet/ParseXLSX/ line 1
[@DOY/PkgVersion] no blank line for $VERSION after package Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX::Decryptor::Agile statement in lib/Spreadsheet/ParseXLSX/Decryptor/ line 1
[@DOY/PkgVersion] no blank line for $VERSION after package Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX::Decryptor::Standard statement in lib/Spreadsheet/ParseXLSX/Decryptor/ line 1
[@DOY/PodWeaver] [@Default/Name] couldn't find abstract in lib/Spreadsheet/ParseXLSX/
[@DOY/PodWeaver] [@Default/Name] couldn't find abstract in lib/Spreadsheet/ParseXLSX/Decryptor/
[@DOY/PodWeaver] [@Default/Name] couldn't find abstract in lib/Spreadsheet/ParseXLSX/Decryptor/
[DZ] attempt to add META.yml multiple times; added by: filename set by GatherDir (Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir line 225); encoded_content added by @DOY/GatherDir (Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir line 226); text from coderef added by @DOY/MetaYAML (Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaYAML line 86)
[DZ] attempt to add MANIFEST multiple times; added by: filename set by GatherDir (Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir line 225); encoded_content added by @DOY/GatherDir (Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir line 226); bytes from coderef added by @DOY/Manifest (Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest line 55)
[DZ] attempt to add META.json multiple times; added by: filename set by GatherDir (Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir line 225); encoded_content added by @DOY/GatherDir (Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir line 226); text from coderef added by @DOY/MetaJSON (Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaJSON line 83)
aborting; duplicate files would be produced at /pro/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.24.0/Dist/Zilla/App/Command/ line 75.
doy commented 8 years ago

Try removing META.yml, MANIFEST, and META.json (or just doing git clean -dfx) and try building again.

Tux commented 8 years ago

Yep, that worked. /me wonders why I cannot close the issue