doy / spreadsheet-parsexlsx

parse XLSX files
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$cellin->{Formula} does not find formula in all cases #87

Open bulrush15 opened 6 years ago

bulrush15 commented 6 years ago

Perl 5.18.2 on Ubuntu 14.04. See attached spreadsheet. Cells in column G have formulas. Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX reads the formulas in G1-G5 but not in G6. The formula in cell G6 is E6*F6 so I don't think it is a shared formula.

All I'd like is to copy all data, formulas and formatting from one spreadsheet file to another tab on another file. If there was a method to copy get all data, like $all=$cellin->{All}, that would be great.

This is the routine I use to get the value of a cell. If a formula exists in the cell, the formula is returned near the bottom of the subroutine.

# In: Workbook object; 
#     Sheet object; 
#     Row number to read (0-based); 
#     col number (0-based);
#     XLSX filename; 
#     $tab=tab name; 
#     $zpos=row being read in spreadsheet, 1-based, displayed for errors.
# Out: String of cell contents.
# For Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX only.
# 5/31/2018 If formula exists return it prepended with '='.
sub getcellxlsx

my $procname=(caller(0))[3];

my $dbg='';
my $prefixsp='  ';
my $new='';
my $cellin;
# if ( ($xlsfnin=~m/ismproject/i)) # DEBUG
#     {
#     $t="$procname: $col,$zpos; Reading cell ".excelntol($col+1).$zpos;
#     $t.=" from $xlsfnin ";
#     debugprg($t,'  ');
#     }

eval {
if ($@)
    $s="$procname ERROR cell ".excelntol($col+1).$zpos.
    " from XLSX sheetin->get_cell. ";
#     if (defined($wkbkin->error))
#         {
#         $s.="wkbkin error: ".$wkbkin->error;
#         }
    if ( defined($@) and (length($@)>0) )
        $s.="\n\  $@ error: ".$@;
    return '';

if ($cellin)
    if ($cellin eq 'EOR')
    else {
        eval {
            $new=$cellin->value(); # Returns some type of string or number.
        if ($@)
            $s="$procname ERROR from XLSX cellin->value() ".
        if (not defined($new))
            $s=$prefixsp."$procname ERROR row $zpos $xlsfnin: ".
              "cell not defined, ".excelntol($col+1).$zpos;
        elsif (len($new)==0)
            $new=' '; # Put in space so it takes up a position in array.
        } # else
else {
   $s=$prefixsp."$procname ERROR ".excelntol($col+1).$zpos.", $xlsfnin: ".
      ", cell->get_cell returned blank. ";

$dbg="$procname dbg1: ".excelntol($col+1).$zpos.", val='$new'";
print "$dbg\n" if ($^P>0);
if ((defined $cellin->{Formula}) and (length($cellin->{Formula})>0))
    $new='\formula:='.$t; # Prepend = sign to show it's a formula.
    #print "$procname: Formula $row,$col is: $t\n";
    #sleep 2;

$dbg="$procname dbg2: ".excelntol($col+1).$zpos.", val='$new'";
print "$dbg\n\n" if ($^P>0);

return trim($new); # getcellxlsx
