doyubkim / fluid-engine-dev

Fluid simulation engine for computer graphics applications
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Build failure with cmake option using TBB in VS2017, windows 10 #287

Open sukbu opened 4 years ago

sukbu commented 4 years ago

Build failure occured in VS2017 while following

Creating solution with CMAKE option 'cmake .. -G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DJET_TASKING_SYSTEM=OpenMP' and building solution in VS2017 was successful.

And I tried to build solution after run cmake with the option -DJET_TASKING_SYSTEM=TBB. But it wasn't successed.

Information:: Windows 10 (ver 1809) tbb version: 2020.0.166 (latest) tbb path: C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2020.0.166\windows\tbb

CMAKE: image

Build failure in VS2017 image

I spent several hours to solve this but I still can't figure out why this was happened and which caused this error so i made this issue.

Problem summary:

doyubkim commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue! Looks like there are some compiler warnings that are treated as an error. Can you also share the output from the “output” tab from your VS?

sukbu commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue! Looks like there are some compiler warnings that are treated as an error. Can you also share the output from the “output” tab from your VS?

Sorry for that i forgot. The output line is almost a thousand line so i upload it as a file


doyubkim commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the log. I think the problematic code from the latest TBB is this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries\windows\tbb\include\tbb/parallel_reduce.h(302): warning C4180: qualifier applied to function type has no meaning; ignored

While I investigate further, you can ignore C4180 by adding /wd4180 in cmake/CompileOptions.cmake line 90:

sukbu commented 4 years ago

Thank you sir it worked well now. I couldn't understand the context, but now it's clear.. and i think i should have read the logs thoroughly even though I don't know much about the cmake stuffs😅 anyway thank you again!

doyubkim commented 4 years ago

No problem. In fact, this is still a build issue with latest TBB so let me reopen this issue again. Will close it once /wd4180 as well as CI scripts are updated.

sukbu commented 4 years ago

I just added single line in the cmake file following your guide. Like below.

/wd4717 # -> disable warning:  recursive on all control paths, function will cause runtime stack overflow (wrong warning)
/wd4819 # -> disable warning:  The file contains a character that cannot be represented in the current code page (949) (wrong warning)
**/wd4180 # -> disable warning:  qualifier applied to function type has no meaning; ignored (wrong warning, tbb_2020.0.166)**

So the builds (Debug,x64), (Release,x64) had no problem But I'm just curious about this matter more so, do you need to change something more?

doyubkim commented 4 years ago

From the code perspective, I think it is fine with the one-liner. I need to add proper TBB check in the CI to prevent this from happening again.

doyubkim commented 4 years ago

As we are revisiting CI's in general, bumping up this issue again.