dpa99c / cordova-custom-config

Cordova/Phonegap plugin to update platform configuration files based on preferences and config-file data defined in config.xml
318 stars 84 forks source link

i need help with error unboun prefix #162

Closed monofdr closed 5 years ago

monofdr commented 5 years ago

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

but the line 31 is this

<icon gap:density="ldpi" gap:platform="android" src="icon.png" />

the xml file is this

Nuevo documento de texto.txt

dpa99c commented 5 years ago

The immediate error is caused because you are using an undeclared namespace - you need to declare it in your <widget> in config.xml:

<widget xmlns     = "http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets"
    xmlns:gap = "http://phonegap.com/ns/1.0"

However the gap prefix is specific to Phonegap Build - this plugin will not work with Phonegap Build as it relies on Cordova hooks scripts (unsupported by Phonegap Build).