dpa99c / cordova-diagnostic-plugin

Cordova/Phonegap plugin to manage device settings
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fix: android getExternalSdCardDetails on API 33 #495

Closed ghenry22 closed 11 months ago

ghenry22 commented 1 year ago

android getExternalSdCardDetails on API 33 fails as the read/write external storage permissions have been removed.

Update to use the existing permissions check for API < 33, do not request the invalid permissions for API 33+

Backward compatible, non-breaking change.

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For bug fixes / features, please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:

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Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

What testing has been done on the changes in the PR?

Tested extensively on my own projects with different API versions to validate behaviour on API below 33 and on API 33+

What testing has been done on existing functionality?

No changes to existing behaviour

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