dpa99c / cordova-launch-review

Cordova/Phonegap plugin for iOS and Android to assist in leaving user reviews/ratings in the App Stores
71 stars 27 forks source link

iOS `requestReview` API was deprecated. #32

Open radhakrishnan308 opened 2 years ago

radhakrishnan308 commented 2 years ago

Bug report


Current behavior:

requestReview API is deprecated


Expected behavior:

Should use requestReviewInScene API

vogloblinsky commented 2 years ago


Denisbelyy commented 1 year ago


dpa99c commented 1 year ago

Cordova's iOS platform currently uses the UIWindow class but this is not used in a UIWindowScene.

Until such time as the corodva-ios platform is updated to use UIWindowScene to manage its native UI, this plugin cannot leverage the new API, unless this plugin itself implemented the wrapping of CDVAppDelegate's UIWindow instance in a UIWindowScene, however this would likely conflict with any future implementation of UIWindowScene in cordova-ios.

However, I'm happy to consider any Pull Request that is able to work around this and make such an implementation possible.