dpa99c / cordova-plugin-firebasex

Cordova plugin for Google Firebase
MIT License
570 stars 457 forks source link

grantPermission() never prompts user on Android #839

Closed signalpoint closed 4 months ago

signalpoint commented 6 months ago

This is not a bug, just an observation that I hope will help others facing a similar issue...

When compiling for Android 13, I was not able to get grantPermission() to prompt the user.

After smashing my head against the wall for a couple of hours, I realized that I am using the cordova-plugin-android-permissions to ask for location permissions and using grantPermission() at the same time (because of how async works) to ask for notification permissions.

Once I stopped asking for location permissions at the same time, the user is prompted to grant notification permissions!

In conclusion, don't prompt the user to grant multiple permissions at once, you may experience unwanted results.

Thank you for this plugin, I've been using it for years. Feel free to close this "issue", thanks!