dpa99c / cordova-plugin-firebasex

Cordova plugin for Google Firebase
MIT License
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fix(android): issue w/ trailing comma in SDK 24 & 25's default Chrome WebView #869

Closed erisu closed 3 weeks ago

erisu commented 3 months ago

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Didnt run regression but might not be necessary for the change type.

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What is the purpose of this PR?

The current release of this plugin fails with the default version of Chrome that comes with SDK 24 & 25.

This issue is cause by the trailing comma in the function parameters. Support for trailing commas in function parameters was adde in Chrome 58.

SDK 24: WebView 53 (fails) SDK 25: WebView 55 (fails) SDK 26: WebView 58 (works)

Since the latest Cordova Android's minimum SDK support 24, and the type of change is minor, I thought maybe its OK to request.

Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

What testing has been done on the changes in the PR?

Manually deleting the trailing comma and rebuilt the app.

What testing has been done on existing functionality?


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