dpa99c / phonegap-launch-navigator

Phonegap/Cordova plugin which launches native route navigation apps for Android, iOS and Windows
369 stars 129 forks source link

launchNavigator.LAUNCH_MODE property not found #233

Closed SuelTheDev closed 4 years ago

SuelTheDev commented 4 years ago

When you use this.launchNavigator.LAUNCH_MODE.TURN_BY_TURN Says that the LAUNCH_MODE property does not exist.

Steps for reproduction:

make an interface as it is.

let options: LaunchNavigatorOptions = { start: [ this.coordenada_professional.latitude, this.coordenada_professional.longitude ], app: app, transportMode: this.launchNavigator.TRANSPORT_MODE.DRIVING, launchModeGoogleMaps: this.launchNavigator.LAUNCH_MODE.TURN_BY_TURN, launchModeAppleMaps: this.launchNavigator.LAUNCH_MODE.URI_SCHEME


Bug report

Current behavior:

Expected behavior:

Steps to reproduce:


Environment information

Runtime issue

Android build issue:

iOS build issue:

Related code:

insert any relevant code here such as plugin API calls / input parameters

Console output

console output ``` // Paste any relevant JS/native console output here ```

**Other information:**
jcedrickd commented 4 years ago

Hi, did you fix this? I'm encountering the same problem. LAUNCH_MODE not recognize