dpa99c / phonegap-launch-navigator

Phonegap/Cordova plugin which launches native route navigation apps for Android, iOS and Windows
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Bug-249: GOOGLE_API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID variable may lead to unauthorized… #250

Closed PDLMobileApps closed 3 years ago

PDLMobileApps commented 3 years ago

… access to google API key

PR Type

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PR Checklist

For bug fixes/features, please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:

What is the purpose of this PR?

Fixes #249

Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

What testing has been done on the changes in the PR?

What testing has been done on existing functionality?

We modified in an existing working project that uses this plugin to use the new setApiKey function rather than passing it through config.xml in the variable. All navigation-related features are working as before. Testing was done on both android and iOS.

Other information

The setApiKey function is useful when the Google API key is retrieved through API or stored in the encrypted www folder(https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-mfp).