dparlevliet / node.bittrex.api

Node Bittrex API is an asynchronous node.js library for the Bittrex API, the data can be received either via GET request or Stream.
MIT License
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Can I have these explained properly? #101

Closed springjben closed 6 years ago

springjben commented 6 years ago


ConditionType: 'NONE', // supported options are 'NONE', 'GREATER_THAN', 'LESS_THAN'

IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL - So if there isn't an order where your price and the amount you want is available it just cancels it.

GOOD_TIL_CANCELLED - Keeps trying to sell until its sold

FILL_OR_KILL - ? Whats the difference between this and IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL?

What are the condition types? Does this affect the timeineffect?

Sorry for all the questions lately, is there a donation address for the developers?

springjben commented 6 years ago

Also What do these mean? O: 0.0005401, H: 0.0005401, L: 0.00054, C: 0.00054002, V: 683.10157197, T: '2017-12-04T00:40:00', BV: 0.36889747 },

Overall?, High, Low, C?, Volume, Timestamp, BV?

karimhossenbux commented 6 years ago

Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Time, BaseVolume

springjben commented 6 years ago

Brilliant thanks! What about:

IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL - So if there isn't an order where your price and the amount you want is available it just cancels it.

GOOD_TIL_CANCELLED - Keeps trying to sell until its sold

FILL_OR_KILL - ? Whats the difference between this and IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL?

dparlevliet commented 6 years ago


springjben commented 6 years ago

For reference in the future.
