Would you be opposed to me doing so? I'm asking, because sometime some upstreams are...
It would really be helpful if you started making releases (preferably using Semantic Versioning). Whatever versioning scheme you decide to use, I'm pretty sure I won't package this plugin in Debian without releases, as otherwise it's too much trouble on my end.
It would be even better if you could sign the git tags, as it would provide a clear chain of trust.
I'm thinking about packaging this plugin in Debian, since grammalecte is now packaged.
Would you be opposed to me doing so? I'm asking, because sometime some upstreams are...
It would really be helpful if you started making releases (preferably using Semantic Versioning). Whatever versioning scheme you decide to use, I'm pretty sure I won't package this plugin in Debian without releases, as otherwise it's too much trouble on my end.
It would be even better if you could sign the git tags, as it would provide a clear chain of trust.