dpelle / vim-LanguageTool

A vim plugin for the LanguageTool grammar checker
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'E149: Sorry, no help for LanguageTool' on NVIM v0.4.3 and LanguageTool-5.1 #21

Open ttxtea opened 4 years ago

ttxtea commented 4 years ago

Following the installation instructions with

let g:languagetool_jar='$HOME/languagetool/languagetool-standalone/target/LanguageTool-5.1-SNAPSHOT/LanguageTool-5.1-SNAPSHOT/languagetool-commandline.jar'

in the .vimrc.



in place.

running vim -c 'helptags ~/.vim/doc' did not give any verbose output.

There is not realy any error except E492: Not an editor command: LanguageToolCheck