dpelle / vim-LanguageTool

A vim plugin for the LanguageTool grammar checker
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Error detected while processing function languagetool#Check: #35

Open bjce opened 4 months ago

bjce commented 4 months ago

I followed the installation steps and downloaded the zip file. I have neovim v.0.9.5 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

I added the following line to the .vimrc file:

:let g:languagetool_jar='$HOME/Documents/cs/languagetool/LanguageTool-6.5-SNAPSHOT/languagetool-commandline.jar'

When calling the command :LanguageToolCheck, I get the following error

Error detected while processing function languagetool#Check:
line   43:
Command [java -jar /home/mylenovo/Documents/cs/languagetool/LanguageTool-6.5-SNAPSHOT/languagetool-commandline.jar -c utf-8
-d WHITESPACE_RULE,EN_QUOTES -l en --api /tmp/nvim.mylenovo/EMBTDS/0 2> /tmp/nvim.mylenovo/EMBTDS/1] failed with error: 1
line   46:
['Unknown parameter: --api', 'Usage: java -jar languagetool-commandline.jar [OPTION]... FILE', ' FILE                      plain te
xt file to be checked', ' Available options:', '  -r, --recursive          work recursively on directory, not on a single file', '
 -c, --encoding ENC       character set of the input text, e.g. utf-8 or latin1', '  -b                       assume that a single
line break marks the end of a paragraph', '  -l, --language LANG      the language code of the text, e.g. en for English, en-GB for
 British English', '  --list                   print all available languages and exit', '  -adl, --autoDetect       auto-detect the
 language of the input text - note this will not detect', '                           variants like ''English (US)'', so you will n
ot get spell checking for', '                           languages with variants', '  -m, --mothertongue LANG  the language code of
your first language, used to activate false-friend checking', '  -d, --disable RULES      a comma-separated list of rule ids to be
disabled (use no spaces between ids)', '  -e, --enable RULES       a comma-separated list of rule ids to be enabled (use no spaces
between ids)', '  -eo, --enabledonly       disable all rules except those enabled explicitly in -e', '  --enablecategories CAT   a
comma-separated list of category ids to be enabled (use no spaces between ids)', '  --disablecategories CAT  a comma-separated list
 of category ids to be disabled (use no spaces between ids)', '  -t, --taggeronly         don''t check, but only print text analysi
s (sentences, part-of-speech tags)', '  -u, --list-unknown       also print a summary of words from the input that LanguageTool doe
sn''t know', '  -b2, --bitext            check bilingual texts with a tab-separated input file,', '                           see h
ttp://languagetool.wikidot.com/checking-translations-bilingual-texts', '  --json                   print results as JSON (see https
://languagetool.org/http-api/#!/default/post_check)', '  -p, --profile            print performance measurements', '  -v, --verbose
            print text analysis (sentences, part-of-speech tags) to STDERR', '  --version                print LanguageTool version
 number and exit', '  -a, --apply              automatically apply suggestions if available, printing result to STDOUT', '
                  NOTE: only use with very robust rules, as this will otherwise introduce new errors', '  --rulefile FILE
use an additional grammar file; if the filename contains a known language code,', '                           it is used in additio
n of standard rules', '  --remoterules FILE       configure rules depending on external services via a JSON file (optional)', '  --
falsefriends FILE      use external false friend file to be used along with the built-in rules', '  --bitextrules  FILE      use ex
ternal bitext XML rule file (useful only in bitext mode)', '  --languagemodel DIR      a directory with e.g. ''en'' sub directory (
i.e. a language code) that contains', '                           ''1grams''...''3grams'' sub directories with Lucene indexes with'
, '                           ngram occurrence counts; activates the confusion rule if supported;', '                           see
 https://dev.languagetool.org/finding-errors-using-n-gram-data', '  --fasttextmodel FILE     fasttext language detection model (opt
ional), see https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/language-identification.html', '  --fasttextbinary FILE    fasttext executable (optional),
see https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/support.html', '  --xmlfilter              [deprecated] remove XML/HTML elements from input before
checking', '  --line-by-line           work on file line by line (for development, e.g. inside an IDE)', '  --enable-temp-off
  enable all temp_off rules (for testing and development)', '  --clean-overlapping      clean overlapping matches (show only the hi
ghest priority match)', '  --level level            enable the given level (currently only ''PICKY'')']
line   49:
E117: Unknown function: <SNR>33_LanguageToolClear
luke-r-holden commented 4 months ago

I was having the same problem with current stable release of LanguageTool with vim version 9.0 and Debian 12. I've worked around this by using a previous version of LanguageTool (LanguageTool-5.9; from the download page linked in the install instructions), which seems to be working without issues.