dperini / nwsapi

Fast CSS Selectors API Engine
MIT License
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infinite recursion on invalid selector _:-ms-fullscreen #46

Closed milahu closed 2 years ago

milahu commented 3 years ago

function compileSelector in nwsapi.js

source = 'n=e;while((e=e.parentElement)){' + source + '}e=n;'; source grows to infinite length, until RangeError: Invalid string length

normal source.length are around 1000 bytes with infinite loop, source.length grows to the maximum string length of 1GB

the selector _:-ms-fullscreen comes from deepl.com/css/lmt.$d783c6.css .lmt--web .lmt__side_container--target .lmt__ad_charLimit_container _:-ms-fullscreen

the problem is

          emit('\'' + selector_string + '\'' + qsInvalid);
        // end of switch symbol

which only breaks the switch (symbol) { block, but not the while (selector) { loop -> deadloop

the parser should seek to the next comma or to end of selector string


class CustomResourceLoader extends jsdom.ResourceLoader {
  fetch(url, options) {

    // ignore all styles
    if (url.endsWith('.css')) {
      return Promise.resolve(Buffer.from(''));

    // patch style
    if (url == 'https://example.com/path/to/style.css')) {
      var str = require('fs').readFileSync('style.patched.css', 'utf8');
      return Promise.resolve(Buffer.from(str));

    return super.fetch(url, options);
const resourceLoader = new CustomResourceLoader();
const dom = new jsdom.JSDOM('', { resources: resourceLoader });
dperini commented 3 years ago

@milahu thank you for reviewing and finding this bug. I will be working again on "nwsapi" starting 1st week of June, I will hopefully be fixing all the pending issues including this one.

Sorry for the delay to everybody but too many things went wrong in 2021.

dperini commented 3 years ago

@milahu I went back through all the issues and I am now fixing them one by one. However, for this issue, I can't reproduce an infinite recursion loop, maybe the changes fixed it.

By using the suggested selector I get returned an error message like the following in the console:

Uncaught DOMException: Document.querySelectorAll: '_:-ms-fullscreen' is not a valid selector

then the process terminates.

milahu commented 3 years ago

can you try ... ?

document.querySelectorAll('.some-class .another-class _:-ms-fullscreen')
dperini commented 3 years ago

@milahu I tried the suggested line you sent with both 2.2.0 (latest published) and with current repository but was unable to reproduce. Also what you said make sense I am sure that after the default/break of the inner loop I pop next selector from the list of fragments.

Could it be you tested that infinite loo with a previous version of "nwsapi" ? Maybe I am testing/doing something different than you. Could you post a small example showing the problem ? Also specify which "nwsapi" version you are using.

Thank you for your time and patience.

milahu commented 3 years ago

still a bug in nwsapi 2.2.0

the error is emited over and over, but the function does not return

'.lmt--web .lmtside_container--target .lmt__ad_charLimitcontainer :-ms-fullscreen,:root .lmt--web .lmtside_container--target .lmt__ad_charLimit_container' is not a valid selector

easiest fix is to add return ''; in the switch (symbol) default case

nwsapi.js ```js // nwsapi.js compileSelector = function(expression, source, mode, callback, not) { // ... while (selector) { // debug console.log(`compileSelector: while (selector): selector = ${selector}`) // selector oscillates: selector == ' _:-ms-fullscreen' || '_:-ms-fullscreen' // get namespace prefix if present or get first char of selector symbol = STD.apimethods.test(selector) ? '|' : selector[0]; // symbol oscillates: symbol == ' ' || '_' switch (symbol) { // ... default: // debug console.log(`default case: emit: ` + '\'' + selector_string + '\'' + qsInvalid) emit('\'' + selector_string + '\'' + qsInvalid); // quickfix //return ''; break; } // end of switch symbol // match oscillates: match == [ ' _:-ms-fullscreen', '_:-ms-fullscreen', index: 0, input: ' _:-ms-fullscreen', groups: undefined ] || [ ' _:-ms-fullscreen', index: 0, input: ' _:-ms-fullscreen', groups: undefined ] if (!match) { emit('\'' + selector_string + '\'' + qsInvalid); return ''; } // pop last component selector = match.pop(); } // end of while selector ```
400 lines to reproduce ```js #!/usr/bin/env node --trace-warnings const fetchCss = true; // true -> trigger bug // https://static.deepl.com/css/lmt.$ea8ddb.css // cache file: ~/.cache/deepl-client-jsdom/https/static.deepl.com/css/lmt.*.css // nwsapi.js: default case before 'end of switch symbol' // emit: '.lmt--web .lmt__side_container--target .lmt__ad_charLimit_container _:-ms-fullscreen,:root .lmt--web .lmt__side_container--target .lmt__ad_charLimit_container' is not a valid selector var t1script = new Date().getTime(); // parse CLI args var args = process.argv.slice(2); //const showDebug = args.includes('--debug'); const showDebug = true; const showTime = showDebug || args.includes('--time'); args = args.filter(a => a.startsWith('-') == false); const sourceLang = args[0] || 'en'; // TODO how to auto-detect sourceLang? const targetLang = args[1] || 'de'; if (showDebug) console.dir({ sourceLang, targetLang }); // debug const sourceText = 'hello world' function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async function main() { var t1 = new Date().getTime(); const jsdom = await import('jsdom'); if (showTime) console.log(`time: ${(new Date().getTime() - t1) / 1000} sec to require jsdom`) const fs = await import('fs'); const path = await import('path'); var t1 = new Date().getTime(); const getPath = (await import('platform-folders')).default.default; if (showTime) console.log(`time: ${(new Date().getTime() - t1) / 1000} sec to require getPath`) const cacheDir = getPath('cache') + '/deepl-client-jsdom'; const userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36"; const targetTextSelector = '.lmt__target_textarea'; const sourceTextSelector = '.lmt__source_textarea'; // static.deepl.com/js/translator_late.min.$2878b2.js // sourceTextField: e.querySelector(".lmt__source_textarea"), // TODO split large inputs in chunks under 5000 chars // TODO support google translate, to compare translations // TODO support xml for google translate (and for deepl which breaks xml in rare cases) // TODO run as daemon -> reduce latency? // TODO use original interface to fix translations? function showHelp() { const scriptPath = path.relative(process.cwd(), process.argv[1]); console.log(`usage:\necho INPUT | node ${scriptPath} [--debug] [SOURCE_LANG] [TARGET_LANG]`); console.log(`\nsample:\necho "hello world" | node ${scriptPath} en de`); process.exit(1); } // https://github.com/sindresorhus/get-stdin/blob/main/index.js const { stdin } = process; async function getStdin() { let result = ''; if (stdin.isTTY) { return result; } stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); for await (const chunk of stdin) { result += chunk; } return result; } // TODO refactor? function makeRequest(url, body, headers) { const req = { href: url, response: { headers }, getHeader: () => undefined, // jsdom: req.getHeader("referer"), then: callback => callback(body), }; return req; } // TODO refactor? class MockFirstRequest { constructor(url, cachePath) { this.href = url; this.cachePath = cachePath; this.response = { headers: {} }; } getHeader(key) { return this.response.headers[key]; } // jsdom: req.getHeader("referer"), then(callback) { let req; var res = Promise.resolve(); res = res.then(() => (req = jsdom.ResourceLoader.prototype.fetch(this.href, options))); res = res.then(buffer => buffer.toString()); res = res.then(body => { this.response.headers = req.response.headers; if (showDebug) console.dir({ firstRequest: { url: this.href, headers: req.response.headers } }); const cachePathHead = this.cachePath + '.head.json'; if (showDebug) console.dir({ cachePathHead }); fs.writeFileSync(this.cachePath, body, 'utf8'); fs.writeFileSync(cachePathHead, JSON.stringify(req.response.headers), 'utf8'); return callback(body); }); return res; } } class CustomResourceLoader extends jsdom.ResourceLoader { // cache and patch requests // a simple version of https://github.com/alltherooms/cached-request isFirstRequest = true; fetch(url, options) { // ignore styles // workaround for a bug in jsdom https://github.com/dperini/nwsapi/issues/46 if (fetchCss == false && url.endsWith('.css')) { if (showDebug) console.log(`fetch: ignore ${url}`); return Promise.resolve(Buffer.from('')); } const cachePath = cacheDir + '/' + url.replace(/:/g, '/').replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/'); //if (showDebug) console.log(`fetch: cachePath = ${JSON.stringify(cachePath)}`); // read from cache if (fs.existsSync(cachePath)) { if (showDebug) console.log(`fetch: use cached ${cachePath}`); let body = fs.readFileSync(cachePath, 'utf8'); // handle first request // needs http headers: content-type, set-cookie if (showDebug && url.endsWith('.js')) { body = body.replace(/dbg ?= ?!1,/g, 'dbg=true,'); } if (this.isFirstRequest) { const cachePathHead = cachePath + '.head.json'; if (showDebug) console.dir({ cachePathHead }); const headers = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(cachePathHead, 'utf8')); if (showDebug) console.dir({ firstRequest: { url, headers } }); this.isFirstRequest = false; return makeRequest(url, body, headers); } return Promise.resolve(Buffer.from(body)); } // write to cache fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(cachePath), { recursive: true }); if (showDebug) console.log(`fetch: download ${JSON.stringify(url)}`); // handle first request // needs content-type http header if (this.isFirstRequest) { this.isFirstRequest = false; const req = new MockFirstRequest(url, cachePath); return req; } var res = Promise.resolve(); res = res.then(() => super.fetch(url, options)); res = res.then(buffer => buffer.toString()); res = res.then(body => { if (url.endsWith('.js')) { // workaround for a bug in deepl // https://static.deepl.com/js/ext/all3.min.$16b60e.js // deepl will test String(document.querySelectorAll) // browser: "function querySelectorAll() { [native code] }" // jsdom: "function querySelectorAll(...) { ... JS code ... }" // patch persistent (write to cache) body = body.replace( String.raw`Q=/^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,`, `Q = { test: f => typeof f == 'function' },` ); /* TODO patch? static.deepl.com/js/translator_late.min.$2878b2.js function Et(e) { return e && /^function fetch\(\)\s+\{\s+\[native code\]\s+\}$/.test(e.toString()); } */ // https://static.deepl.com/js/webVitals.min.$45613e.js // Error: Uncaught [TypeError: performance.getEntriesByName is not a function] body = body.replace( 'performance.getEntriesByName(', 'performance.getEntriesByName && performance.getEntriesByName(', ); } fs.writeFileSync(cachePath, body, 'utf8'); // patch dynamic (only in debug mode) if (url.endsWith('.js') && showDebug) { body = body.replace(/dbg ?= ?!1,/g, 'dbg=true,'); } //return body; return Buffer.from(body); }); return res; } } const resourceLoader = new CustomResourceLoader({ strictSSL: false, userAgent, }); const virtualConsole = new jsdom.VirtualConsole(); if (showDebug) virtualConsole.sendTo({ ...console, log: (...args) => { if (args[0] == '[FeatureManager]') return; // make deepl debug less verbose console.log(...args); } }); const options = { resources: resourceLoader, runScripts: 'dangerously', pretendToBeVisual: true, virtualConsole, cookieJar: new jsdom.CookieJar(), beforeParse: (window) => { // mock window.matchMedia Object.defineProperty(window, 'matchMedia', { writable: true, value: query => ({ matches: false, media: query, onchange: null, addListener: () => false, // Deprecated removeListener: () => false, // Deprecated addEventListener: () => false, removeEventListener: () => false, dispatchEvent: () => false, }), }); }, }; // https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom/issues/2577 const cookieRoundSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24; // round down to start of the day function setCookieDone(error, cookie) { if (error) console.log(`set cookie error: ${error}`); } options.cookieJar.setCookie(`privacySettings=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({ v: '1', t: Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000 / cookieRoundSeconds) * cookieRoundSeconds, m: 'STRICT', consent: [ 'NECESSARY', 'PERFORMANCE', 'COMFORT' ] }))}`, '.deepl.com', setCookieDone); // https://github.com/iansan5653/unraw/issues/29 // deepl.com: // / -> \/ // \ -> \\ // TODO escape more? pipe is sentence delimiter /* static.deepl.com/js/translator_late.min.$2878b2.js var r = decodeURIComponent(n) .replace(/[\\]./g, function (e) { return "\\\\" === e ? "{_BACKSLASH_}" : e; }) .replace(/([^\\])[/]/g, "$1{_DELIM_PART_}") .replace(/([^\\])[|]/g, "$1{_DELIM_SENTENCE_}") .replace(/\\([/|])/g, "$1") .replace(/{_BACKSLASH_}/g, "\\"), */ function deeplBackslashEncode(str) { let res = ''; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { const char16bit = str[i]; const code = char16bit.charCodeAt(0); res += ( (code == 47) ? '\\/' : // forward slash (code == 92) ? '\\\\' : // backslash char16bit ); } return res; } async function waitFor(parentNode, selector, timeoutMs) { const stepMs = 100; if (!timeoutMs) timeoutMs = 100 * stepMs; for (let round = 0; round < Math.ceil(timeoutMs/stepMs); round++) { const e = parentNode.querySelector(selector); if (e) return e; if (showDebug) console.log('waiting for ' + selector); await sleep(stepMs); } if (showDebug) console.log('error: timeout waiting for ' + selector); return null; // timeout } async function clickElement(selector, sleepMs) { if (showDebug) console.log(`clickElement: selector ${selector}`); var elem = await waitFor(dom.window.document, selector); var event = new dom.window.Event('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); elem.dispatchEvent(event); if (sleepMs) await sleep(sleepMs); } async function setTextarea(selector, text) { if (showDebug) console.log('setTextarea: selector ' + selector); const textarea = await waitFor(dom.window.document, selector); textarea.value = text; var event = new dom.window.Event('paste', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); event.clipboardData = { getData: () => text }; textarea.dispatchEvent(event); } var t1 = new Date().getTime(); //const sourceText = await getStdin(); // debug if (showTime) console.log(`time: ${(new Date().getTime() - t1) / 1000} sec to read stdin`) if (sourceText.trim().length == 0) showHelp(); if (showDebug) console.log(`stdin = ${JSON.stringify(sourceText)}`); if (showDebug) console.log(`stdin.length = ${sourceText.length}`); const url = `https://www.deepl.com/translator#${sourceLang}/${targetLang}/${encodeURIComponent(deeplBackslashEncode(sourceText))}`; if (showDebug) console.dir({ url }); if (showDebug) console.log(`fetch: cacheDir = ${cacheDir}`); var t1 = new Date().getTime(); const dom = await jsdom.JSDOM.fromURL(url, options); if (showTime) console.log(`time: ${(new Date().getTime() - t1) / 1000} sec to load jsdom.fromURL`) if (!dom) { console.log('error: failed to load dom'); return; // let jsdom run, TODO timeout 1 sec -> exit? process.exit(1); } if (showDebug) console.log(dom.window.document.cookie.split('; ').map(c => `received cookie: ${c}`).join('\n')); // https://gist.github.com/chad3814/5059671 function waitForDocument() { return new Promise(resolve => { dom.window.addEventListener("load", () => resolve()); }); } var t1 = new Date().getTime(); await waitForDocument(); if (showTime) console.log(`time: ${(new Date().getTime() - t1) / 1000} sec to load document`) var t1 = new Date().getTime(); if (showDebug) console.log(`get target text`); const stepMs = 100; const timeoutMs = 100 * stepMs; const targetTextElement = await waitFor(dom.window.document, targetTextSelector); let targetText; for (let round = 0; round < Math.ceil(timeoutMs/stepMs); round++) { targetText = targetTextElement.value.endsWith('\r\n') ? targetTextElement.value.slice(0, -2) : targetTextElement.value ; if (showDebug) console.dir({ time: round * stepMs / 1000, targetText }); if (targetText.trim().length > 0) { break; // found } await sleep(stepMs); } if (showTime) console.log(`time: ${(new Date().getTime() - t1) / 1000} sec to get targetText`) if (showTime) console.log(`time sum: ${(new Date().getTime() - t1scriptRun) / 1000} sec to get targetText\n`) if (showTime) console.log(`time sum: ${(new Date().getTime() - t1script) / 1000} sec to parse script and get targetText\n`) console.log(targetText); process.exit(0); // quickfix. otherwise jsdom keeps running } if (showTime) console.log(`time sum: ${(new Date().getTime() - t1script) / 1000} sec to parse script\n`) var t1scriptRun = new Date().getTime(); main(); ```
Bondarenko199 commented 3 years ago

Hello! I have the same issue using testing-library-react. Currently using its methods I run into an issue where this error occurs. A string grows to millions of symbols in this block of code.

case '~': match = selector.match(Patterns.relative); source = 'n=e;while((e=e.previousElementSibling)){' + source + '}e=n;'; break;

milahu commented 3 years ago

easiest fix is to add return ''; in the switch (symbol) default case

@Bondarenko199 does this help?

richard-ling commented 2 years ago

I agree with the fix proposed by @milahu, it certainly fixed my issue with no side effects.

milahu commented 2 years ago

fixed in ab9cde1eb05ec9badfc3abaf15687b1a6f9e9ad3

yay : )

dperini commented 2 years ago

@milahu sorry for the long delay. If you can, ensure my minimal variant really work as expected with no regressions.

milahu commented 2 years ago

all good ^^

i did not test your fix, but LGTM

the problem was that while { switch { break } } did not break the while loop using goto (break to label) is probably better than return ''; if selector is truthy

edit: worst case, we still get an infinite loop ...

milahu commented 2 years ago

yepp, this fixes my e2e test in https://github.com/dperini/nwsapi/issues/46#issuecomment-867711752

short version:

const jsdom = require('jsdom');

test('nwsapi handles invalid selector', async () => {

  const virtualConsole = new jsdom.VirtualConsole();


  const options = {
    runScripts: 'dangerously',

  const html = `
    <!doctype html>
        #e { color: green; }
        body _:-ms-fullscreen { color: red; } /* this will trigger the bug in nwsapi */
      <p id="e">Hello world</p>
        var s = getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('e')); // force parsing of stylesheet
        console.log('color = ' + s.color);

  const dom = new jsdom.JSDOM(html, options);

  // https://gist.github.com/chad3814/5059671
  function waitForDocument() {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      dom.window.addEventListener("load", () => resolve());

  var t1 = new Date().getTime();
  await waitForDocument();
  console.log(`time: ${(new Date().getTime() - t1) / 1000} sec to load document`)

to abort early, i added this to nwsapi.js

      while (selector) {

        console.log(`source.length = ${source.length}`);

        if (source.length > 10000) {
          // otherwise source grows to 1GB
          throw `infinite loop? source.length = ${source.length}`;

cannot reproduce with unit test

```js // __tests__/invalid-selector.js // npx jest -- __tests__/invalid-selector.js /** * @jest-environment node */ const nwsapi = require('../nwsapi'); const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom'); test('handles invalid selector', () => { const dom = new JSDOM('

Hello world

'); const NW = nwsapi(dom.window); var selector = '_:-ms-fullscreen'; // SyntaxError: unknown pseudo-class selector ':-ms-fullscreen' //var selector = '.lmt--web .lmt__side_container--target .lmt__ad_charLimit_container _:-ms-fullscreen'; // SyntaxError: unknown pseudo-class selector ':-ms-fullscreen' var mode = null; var callback = (...args) => console.dir(args); var testElement = NW.compile(selector, mode, callback); testElement(dom.window.document.documentElement); }); ``` 0195e47 and later throw ``` SyntaxError: unknown pseudo-class selector ':-ms-fullscreen' ``` b462258 and earlier throw ``` SyntaxError: 'undefined' is not a valid selector ```
richard-ling commented 2 years ago


dperini commented 2 years ago

@milahu I agree with that strategy I have never seen a resolver with a size > 1000 bytes. So a generic limit in size seems a good approach for various reasons, DOS included. I will run the entire testing to gather how long is the longest lambda we might have.

milahu commented 2 years ago

a size limit should be still large enough to handle edge cases

maybe 10MB?

some numbers on a 2.4GHz cpu

1 MiB limit → compileSelector throws after 0.05 seconds = 0.1% of max 10 MiB limit → compileSelector throws after 0.4 seconds = 1% of max 100 MiB limit → compileSelector throws after 4 seconds 512 MiB limit → compileSelector throws after 20 seconds 1024 MiB limit → compileSelector throws after 40 seconds

dperini commented 2 years ago

@milahu the following is the longest source string produced by the full w3c tests and it is 288 bytes long

if((((/^form$/i.test(e.localName)&&!e.noValidate)||(e.willValidate&&!e.formNoValidate))&&!e.checkValidity())||(/^fieldset$/i.test(e.localName)&&s.first(":invalid",e))){n=e;while((e=e.parentElement)){if((/^patternConstraints$/.test(e.getAttribute("id")))){r[++j]=c[k];continue main;}}e=n;}

the above source string when converted to a Resolver() becomes 377 bytes long

function Resolver(c,f,x,r){var e,n,o,j=r.length-1,k=-1;main:while((e=c[++k])){if((((/^form$/i.test(e.localName)&&!e.noValidate)||(e.willValidate&&!e.formNoValidate))&&!e.checkValidity())||(/^fieldset$/i.test(e.localName)&&s.first(":invalid",e))){n=e;while((e=e.parentElement)){if((/^patternConstraints$/.test(e.getAttribute("id")))){r[++j]=c[k];continue main;}}e=n;}}return r;}

So I believe that doubling it might be enough or maybe make it 4 times bigger. I wouldn't suggest going to more than that (max. 2048) to make it useful.

A selector yielding a 10Kb source string is a non-sense, imagine 1 MiB or 10 MiB ....

milahu commented 2 years ago

So a generic limit in size seems a good approach for various reasons, DOS included.

this also works in the opposite direction: an attacker can construct a "too long" css selector to crash nwsapi for example to prevent webscraping with jsdom web browsers should be error-tolerant

dperini commented 2 years ago

@milahu you surely know better than me those scraping bots and hackers behaviors too. However, just so I make sure I get your point, can you show me a selector that make sense and produces more than 2048 byte source string ?

milahu commented 2 years ago
var selector = 'body';
//for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { // 12KB selector // RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
for (var i = 0; i < 820; i++) { // 10KB selector -> source.length = 77017
  selector += ` > .class-${i}`;
console.log(`selector.length = ${selector.length}`);

so its even easier to crash by stack size

an attacker can construct a "too long" css selector to crash nwsapi for example to prevent webscraping with jsdom

i have to admit, for scraping hostile sites i would not use jsdom rather a real browser via selenium / puppeteer / playwright ...

dperini commented 2 years ago

@milahu we have to distinguish reality from fantasy. I believe the tools you mention are perfect for such long selectors. I really hope nwsapi is used with a complete different scope in mind. You are talking about selector length now not by resolver "source" length. In this case I would also set a limit to selector length and return an empty Array. This will increase speed of the selector engine 10.000 time on these kind of sites. ;) Thank you for the head up with the infinite recursion it is now fixed and I will close the issue.

frtelg commented 2 years ago

Could you please create a release for this bugfix?