dpiquet / pve-monitor

pve-monitor is a tool to monitor hypervisor and virtual machines in a proxmox cluster
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Monitoring VMs on nodes #19

Open doque opened 9 years ago

doque commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to include the VMs running on a node in the monitoring? For example: I've created the VM monitoring on farm4. Farm4 is monitored in the PVE cluster, can I find any details about this specific VM?

screen shot 2015-03-05 at 11 48 16

dpiquet commented 9 years ago

Add something like this to pve-monitor's configuration file

qemu monitoring { mem 80 90 cpu 80 95 disk 80 90 }

doque commented 9 years ago

Thank you, this works. Is there any way to do this automatically everytime I add a new VM?

dpiquet commented 9 years ago

You can use pools to group your vms inside PVE. Then monitor this pool using the pool keyword like this

pool Sample { mem 98 100 cpu 90 95 disk 90 95 }

Every vm in the monitored pool will be automatically monitored with the pool's values.

doque commented 9 years ago

I see. Unfortunately, appending this to my pve-monitor.conf yields

Invalid token pool in configuration file /usr/local/nagios/etc/configs/pve-nodes.conf !

I've uploaded my complete conf file here.

/edit: Sorry, it seems I was using an older version, which didn't include --pools yet. I've replaced it with the latest version. But - running the script with --pools yields this output:

root@proxmox-monitoring:/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/pve-monitor.pl --pools -- conf /usr/local/nagios/etc/configs/pve-nodes.conf
  Usage: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/pve-monitor.pl [--nodes] [--storages] [--qemu] [--openvz] [--pools] [--perfdata] [--html] --conf <file>

  Check the state of the cluster's members
  Check the state of the cluster's storages
  Check the state of the cluster's Qemu virtual machines
  Check the state of the cluster's OpenVZ virtual machines
  Check the state of the cluster's virtual machines and/or storages in defined pools
  Check the state of the cluster's quorum disk
  Consider there is no cluster, just a single node
  Print nagios performance data for graphs (PNP4Nagios supported check_multi style)
  Replace linebreaks with <br> in output
  Get more log output

All other parameters seem to work fine

dpiquet commented 9 years ago

I was about to ask you the version you were using. If this is an exact copy/paste, you have a space between -- and conf which should be --conf

doque commented 9 years ago

Sorry, that was messed up formatting. There is no space between those two. Running it with nodes gives the desired result. But just so I understand - can I use pool {} to define the properties for mem, cpu etc? Or can I set it up so that all qemu VMs running on farm4 will automatically be monitored? Right now I'm adding each qemu separately to the .conf file.

dpiquet commented 9 years ago

the pool argument just tells pve-monitor to use pool defined ressources. You have to specify --qemu, --storage or --openvz to get results.

pve-monitor does not to monitor if vms are running on a particular node but only if it is running on the cluster (so no checks for only vms running on farm4 node). Maybe this could be a feature, where a vm should be hosted by a particular node and a warning would be generated if it is not the case.

You can use pools to monitor vms defined in a pve pool with common values (defined in the pool section of your pve-monitor configuration file). This way, you just have to add your new vms in the pool from proxmox interface without having to update your nagios configuraton.

flantel commented 9 years ago

[edit] Sorry - posted into wrong issue!

nexusguy59 commented 6 years ago

Has anyone got this to work successfully on Nagios Core 4.3.4, if So may I get some instructions, I am having a heck of a time trying to get this to work.

Thanks, Michael