dplanitzer / Serena

An experimental operating system for 32bit Amiga computers.
MIT License
215 stars 4 forks source link

Support for Amiga 1200 with Warp 1260 (68060) turbo #5

Open ochococo opened 3 weeks ago

ochococo commented 3 weeks ago

More about the card:


Downsides? Firmware is closed source but the authors may reconsider.

dplanitzer commented 3 weeks ago

This looks interesting. I wonder how this board works? I.e. does it do a hardware emulation of the Zorro bus and are all those sub-modules like the graphics and the USB controller connected to that Zorro bus?

If so then adding support for this board pretty much boils down to getting the documentation for the register files of all those sub-modules and writing drivers for them.

I think that even without drivers for the sub-modules, it should still be possible to plug a 68060 in there and to install the Serena ROM as an alternative Amiga ROM and to run Serena OS. At least this would give you the better CPU performance.