Closed Pcolar closed 6 years ago
Verify each additional capability:
This view includes the LIBNOVA Object Explorer module, to browse the uploaded content and basic details about the number of files and total size. This view is also including a button to initiate the permanent archiving process (MBR.003.006).
Verify this capability: If its status is “Processing” or “Archiving” (MBR.003.002.B), it shows a message about the processing status
Verify this capability: If the status is “Archived” (MBR.003.002.C), it shows an extended report of the preserved content, and the possibility to go to the details of the ingestion process (link to MBR.003.003) and the auditing processes, if any (with links to MBR.003.004).
All capabilities verified.
Please demonstrate each capability: If it is still “Open” (MBR.003.002.A): offers the possibility to 1) review the deposit, 2) change its name and description or 3) delete it.