dpnishant / appmon

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[ERROR] unable to connect to remote frida-server: closed #106

Open m0hamedessam opened 4 years ago

m0hamedessam commented 4 years ago

i did everything but when i connect phone i got

[ERROR] unable to connect to remote frida-server: closed

im using Ubuntu 14 on virtual box

any advice ??

m0hamedessam commented 4 years ago

any advice ????

m0hamedessam commented 4 years ago

i figure out i had to open app but anyway app crash :(

dpnishant commented 4 years ago

Sorry to know that. You can check ADB logs using logcat or similar to know the exact reason of the crash. Do let us know.

m0hamedessam commented 4 years ago

i will try and let you know but anyway i face problem on script

[Aug 20 2020 11:34 AM] Dumped to ./app_dumps/Gadget.db 'id' is not a valid column name. {u'method': u'chmod', u'artifact': [{u'name': u'Pathname', u'value': u'/data/data/com.ngc.TvLive/shared_prefs/com.google.android.gms.measurement.prefs.xml', u'argSeq': 1}, {u'name': u'Mode', u'value': 432, u'argSeq': 2}, {u'name': u'Status', u'value': u'Success', u'argSeq': 0}], u'txnType': u'syscall', u'lib': u'libc.so', u'time': u'2020-08-20T08:34:38.477Z'}

any idea whats problem on script not write on database ??

m0hamedessam commented 4 years ago

08-20 12:08:39.177 878 2101 D ActivityManager: startService callerProcessName:com.google.android.gms, calleePkgName: com.google.android.gms 08-20 12:08:39.277 7725 7725 W System.err: java.security.InvalidParameterException 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at com.ngc.TVLite.c0.c.a() 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at com.ngc.TVLite.LauncherActivity.a() 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at com.ngc.TVLite.LauncherActivity.a() 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at com.ngc.TVLite.d.a(lambda) 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at c.e.a.c.f.s.run() 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739) 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95) 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:145) 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5951) 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372) 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1399) 08-20 12:08:39.287 7725 7725 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1194)

any idea ??

salman0ansari commented 2 years ago

same error any fix?