Add the option to play as opfor factions. This includes regular and irregular forces. This requires refactoring the player init logic so that players switch into units created at run-time based on CBA settings, and adding existing opfor forces to proper player configs, i.e., CfgArsenal, CfgLoadout, etc.
Dev Branch
Dev Tasks
The following subsections contain required developer tasks to complete this issue.
[X] Refactor player init logic. Dynamically switch players into friendly units based on CBA settings.
[X] MP support
[X] JIP Support
[X] Dynamic Markers
[X] Bug - This delete block should be moved to here
OPFOR Factions
Changes required to add opfor factions as playable friendly factions. This is primarily config changes. These shouldn't need changes to existing mission logic.
[x] RHS Russia
[X] LOP Takistan
[x] CUP Russia
[x] CUP Takistan
Resistance Factions
The following list of factions will be moved to the resistance side, currently they are opfor. Resistance factions will remain as enemy-only. Playable resistance units is beyond the scope of this issue.
[x] Update CBA settings to include resistance factions list.
[x] FIA
[x] Syndikat
[x] LOP ChDkz
[x] LOP Guerrilla
[x] LOP Insurgent
[x] LOP Isis
[x] LOP Novo
[x] CUP Takistan Militia
[x] CUP ChDkz
[x] CFP AlQaeda
[x] CFP Al Shabaab
[x] CFP Boko Haram
[x] CFP Guerrilla
[x] CFP Hamas
[x] CFP Hezbollah
[x] CFP Isis
BLUFOR Factions
This set of tasks is updating the exiting blufor factions to act as player enemy factions. This should only require updates to CfgGroups, and CfgVehicles.
[x] NATO
[X] CUP Bundeswehr
SQM Mission Changes
Changes required to update the mission sqm files to support playable opfor factions.
Add the option to play as opfor factions. This includes regular and irregular forces. This requires refactoring the player init logic so that players switch into units created at run-time based on CBA settings, and adding existing opfor forces to proper player configs, i.e., CfgArsenal, CfgLoadout, etc.
Dev Branch
Dev Tasks
The following subsections contain required developer tasks to complete this issue.
OPFOR Factions
Changes required to add opfor factions as playable friendly factions. This is primarily config changes. These shouldn't need changes to existing mission logic.
Resistance Factions
The following list of factions will be moved to the resistance side, currently they are opfor. Resistance factions will remain as enemy-only. Playable resistance units is beyond the scope of this issue.
BLUFOR Factions
This set of tasks is updating the exiting blufor factions to act as player enemy factions. This should only require updates to CfgGroups, and CfgVehicles.
SQM Mission Changes
Changes required to update the mission sqm files to support playable opfor factions.