dpradov / keynote-nf

Tabbed notebook with RichText editor, multi-level notes and strong encryption.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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ResourcePanel BG-color and tab order #575

Open Stefanoko opened 6 years ago

Stefanoko commented 6 years ago

Nice to have: A background-color for the ResourcePanel on the right sidebar. Its bright white disturbs the muted colors of my tree and main window, especially when typing at night.

Also nice to have: Re-arranging the order of tabs on the ResourcePanel, just like you can drag tabs of notes left or right. This would allow to group tabs next to each other. My most frequently used tabs are Favorites and Find. To switch between them, I have to either step-click the arrow buttons, or widen the sidebar (getting even more bright white and wasting screen space).

Not important, just an observation: There does not seem to be a way to enable/disable tabs other than via the toolbar dropdown on the main toolbar. Which may be hard to find for someone not showing the main toolbar.

staticip555 commented 6 years ago

Dear Stefanoko,

I might be totally wrong but your bright white background in Resource Panel could be linked with the color settings in your keynote.ini file. You can set a lot of colors there which you can not configure via the GUI. Recently I had a irritating bright white stripe right to the tabs line including the active Tab. It used to be grey before.

First I thought I had lost some dll or something got incompatible with Windows 10. Finally I deleted my keynote.ini (after having it backed up of course). After the next start of keynote a brand new default keynote.ini has been created and the bright white stripe was gone. Everything was back to normal grey.

I was too lazy to figure out which of the various color settings in keynote.ini was causing the issue but since the resource panel is normally grey and not white maybe in your case it's something similar.

Might be worth to give it a try.

Stefanoko commented 6 years ago

Thanks staticip555,

I tried your suggestion but it made no difference. Seems like the white background didn't happen by accident but is the color it was meant to be. Perfectly fine if you have white background in tree and editor as well. But hard + stressful on the eyes when you have muted colors everywhere else except on the resource panel.

Since you brought up the ini-file, I wouldn't mind at all if this were not a GUI-option, but only a hex- or some kind of RGB-color code I can manually tweak in the ini-section, something like this:

[ResPanelOptions] Background-Color=#F0DCA0

Don't know if that's feasible. Tab-order is not important anymore - I found out about multiline-tabs. That takes care of it.