Open nchernia opened 3 years ago
I suppose that'd doable, maybe a --cytosine_report_stdout
option. No clue why the PE data says it has no overlaps, that's quite odd.
I've sent some test files via email. The "aligning single end separately" version (which I'm calling single) returns a bed file with values when calling extract. The "aligning as paired" one does not - an empty bed file with just the header is what is produced. Interestingly, when I run "perRead" on these same bam files, the problem does not occur and they return the same output, as expected.
OK, I think this is due to needing the --keepSingleton --keepDiscordant flags.
It would still be nice to have a cytosine report to STD OUT option.
I was wondering if there could be an option to stream cytosine_report instead of writing it to an output file. It's pretty big (28G) and I only keep it in order to calculate conversion %.
Also - I've managed to produce a bam file that claims no overlap with any cytosine when it definitely does, and I'm wondering if there's some things getting skipped. I've aligned two ways, once essentially paired-end and once single-end, and the single-end produces overlap statistics but the paired end does not. [There are other slight differences as well, but the reads have the same Phred scores and alignment locations so I'm not sure what's going on.]
This is the call I use: MethylDackel extract -F 1024 -@10 --cytosine_report --CHH --CHG