dpscience / DCONTINPALS

pyDCONTINPALS - A Python program for running the historical FORTRAN code CONTIN-PALS which solves Fredholm integral equations with convoluted exponential decays as kernels of the type that occur in the analysis of Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectra (PALS).
4 stars 2 forks source link

dcontinpals.dll file issue #1

Open CollinsJnr-001 opened 1 month ago

CollinsJnr-001 commented 1 month ago

I have been experiencing this error in these lines of the code, could you tell how to get around it, please? file_name = 'dcontinpals.dll' __dllPtr = cdll.LoadLibrary(file_name)

Could not find module 'dcontinpals.dll' (or one of its dependencies). Try using the full path with constructor syntax.

I have also tried to use os to get full path but it didn't work

wrochadel commented 1 week ago

I have experienced the same problem, even with simpler code, just to load any other .dll. This documentation on ctypes does not show the same error with loading dynamic link libraries (LoadLibrary()), but there is a way to debug what is going on:

" To resolve this error and determine which DLL is not found, you need to find the list of dependent DLLs and determine which one is not found using Windows debugging and tracing tools." https://docs.python.org/3/library/ctypes.html#loading-shared-libraries:~:text=return%20int.-,On%20Windows,-creating%20a%20CDLL