dpseidel / stmove

Build reproducible reports for spatial-temporal animal movement analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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season report plots blank for single season trajectories #27

Closed dpseidel closed 5 years ago

dpseidel commented 5 years ago

either need to add a check and warning, or just add geom_point to the reports so they display something -- even if it's not all that informative.

[1] "2013-11-11 06:00:00 SAST" "2014-03-23 02:00:00 SAST"

interval_stats(hy33780, type = c("seasonal"), seas = c("2013-09-01", "2013-11-01", "2014-04-01", "2014-10-15"))
# A tibble: 1 x 8
  interval_start mean_dist sd_dist acf_dist mean_ang sd_ang acf_ang    ccf
  <fct>              <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
1 2013-11-01         1989.   2606.    0.352    0.132   1.75 0.00358 0.0151
Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at 11 19 20 AM
dpseidel commented 5 years ago

geom_point added in https://github.com/dpseidel/stmove/commit/2da41293da1366e5d8c774071702b3820f91c7a4

still may want to add check or test

dpseidel commented 5 years ago

this may be fixed already given changes to the seasonal reports in 23ab1f892c89405fd76e2a9e879fe605f7cd9661 - should be tested

dpseidel commented 5 years ago

closed by https://github.com/dpseidel/stmove/commit/23ab1f892c89405fd76e2a9e879fe605f7cd9661