Open dpzhang opened 7 years ago
How to quantify driving pattern in general?
Categorize dates into three different levels: weekdays, weekends, and holiday
Aggregate all taxi trips by 801 Chicago census tract
Conditioning all trips by time
Conditioning all trip flows by 9 regions:
After conditioning each trip by spatial unit and temporal unit, we need to study the flow from CT1 to CT2 or from CT2 to CT1
Comparing driving distance from CT to CT
Comparing driving velocity from CT to CT
8 Variables need to add to the raw dataset:
Feedbacks: What if for some particular trips only high income drivers doing the trips but not the low income drivers?
People who work for tips: Tip variable correlated with people from low-income neighborhood?
Research Question: Are there any differences in driving patterns between high-income taxi drivers and low-income drivers before and after 2016?
How to define high-income and low-come driver?
How to quantify driving pattern?