dqrobotics / python

The DQ Robotics library in Python
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Added the new DQ_SerialManipulatorMDH() Class #35 #32

Closed juanjqo closed 2 years ago

juanjqo commented 2 years ago

Hi @mmmarinho,

I included the new DQ_SerialManipulatorMDH() in Python. This version requires the C++ implementation of the Pull request: Added the new DQ_SerialManipulatorMDH() Class #35

I implemented two examples using the FrankaEmikaPanda serial manipulator and the Stanford serial manipulator. Both robots are modeled using both classes (using DH and MDH).


import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from math import pi
from numpy import linalg as LA

build_path = os.path.abspath(__file__+'/../..')+'/python/build'
from dqrobotics import*
from dqrobotics.robot_modeling import DQ_SerialManipulatorDH
from dqrobotics.robot_modeling import DQ_SerialManipulatorMDH

def FrankaEmikaPandaDH():
    #Standard DH model
    franka_DH_theta = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    franka_DH_d = np.array([0.333, 0, 3.16e-1, 0, 3.84e-1, 0, 1.07e-1])
    franka_DH_a = np.array([0, 0, 8.25e-2, -8.25e-2, 0, 8.8e-2, 0])
    franka_DH_alpha = np.array([-pi/2, pi/2, pi/2, -pi/2, pi/2, pi/2, 0])
    franka_DH_type =  np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
    franka_DH_matrix = np.array([franka_DH_theta, franka_DH_d, franka_DH_a, franka_DH_alpha, franka_DH_type])
    frankaDH = DQ_SerialManipulatorDH(franka_DH_matrix)
    return frankaDH

def FrankaEmikaPandaMDH():

    # Modified DH model
    franka_DH_theta = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    franka_DH_d = np.array([0.333, 0, 3.16e-1, 0, 3.84e-1, 0, 0])
    franka_DH_a = np.array([0, 0, 0, 8.25e-2, -8.25e-2, 0, 8.8e-2])
    franka_DH_alpha = np.array([0, -pi / 2, pi / 2, pi / 2, -pi / 2, pi / 2, pi / 2])
    franka_DH_type =  np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
    franka_DH_matrix = np.array([franka_DH_theta, franka_DH_d, franka_DH_a, franka_DH_alpha, franka_DH_type])
    frankaMDH = DQ_SerialManipulatorMDH(franka_DH_matrix)
    frankaMDH.set_effector(1 + DQ.E * 0.5 * DQ.k * 1.07e-1)
    return frankaMDH

frankaDH = FrankaEmikaPandaDH()
frankaMDH = FrankaEmikaPandaMDH()
q = np.random.rand(7)
q_dot = np.random.rand(7)
xDH = frankaDH.fkm(q)
xMDH = frankaMDH.fkm(q)
Jdh = frankaDH.pose_jacobian(q)
Jmdh = frankaMDH.pose_jacobian(q)
Jdh_dot = frankaDH.pose_jacobian_derivative(q, q_dot)
Jmdh_dot = haminus8(frankaMDH.get_effector())@frankaMDH.pose_jacobian_derivative(q, q_dot)
print('Error in fkm')
print('Error in pose jacobian: ', LA.norm(Jdh-Jmdh, 'fro'))
print('Error in pose jacobian derivative',LA.norm(Jdh_dot-Jmdh_dot, 'fro'))


Error in fkm
Error in pose jacobian:  5.477744755553998e-16
Error in pose jacobian derivative 6.420696527768584e-16
Process finished with exit code 0

Example 2

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from math import pi
from numpy import linalg as LA

build_path = os.path.abspath(__file__+'/../..')+'/python/build'
from dqrobotics import*
from dqrobotics.robot_modeling import DQ_SerialManipulatorDH
from dqrobotics.robot_modeling import DQ_SerialManipulatorMDH

def StanfordManipulatorDH():
    #Standard DH model
    d2 = 0.4
    d3 = 0.1
    d6 = 0.3
    robot_DH_theta = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    robot_DH_d = np.array([0,d2,d3,0,0,d6])
    robot_DH_a = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0 ,0 ,0])
    robot_DH_alpha = np.array([-pi/2, pi/2, 0,-pi/2,pi/2,0])
    robot_DH_type =  np.array([0,0,1,0,0,0])
    robot_DH_matrix = np.array([robot_DH_theta, robot_DH_d, robot_DH_a, robot_DH_alpha, robot_DH_type])
    robotDH = DQ_SerialManipulatorDH(robot_DH_matrix)
    return robotDH

def StanfordManipulatorMDH():
    # Modified DH model
    d2 = 0.4
    d3 = 0.1
    d6 = 0.3
    robot_DH_theta = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    robot_DH_d = np.array([0,d2,d3,0,0,0])
    robot_DH_a = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    robot_DH_alpha = np.array([0,-pi/2, pi/2, 0,-pi/2,pi/2])
    robot_DH_type =  np.array([0,0,1,0,0,0])
    robot_DH_matrix = np.array([robot_DH_theta, robot_DH_d, robot_DH_a, robot_DH_alpha, robot_DH_type])
    robotMDH = DQ_SerialManipulatorMDH(robot_DH_matrix)
    return robotMDH

robotDH = StanfordManipulatorDH()
robotMDH = StanfordManipulatorMDH()
q = np.random.rand(6)
q_dot = np.random.rand(6)
xDH = robotDH.fkm(q)
xMDH = robotMDH.fkm(q)
Jdh = robotDH.pose_jacobian(q)
Jmdh = robotMDH.pose_jacobian(q)
Jdh_dot = robotDH.pose_jacobian_derivative(q, q_dot)
Jmdh_dot = haminus8(robotMDH.get_effector())@robotMDH.pose_jacobian_derivative(q, q_dot)
print('Error in fkm')
print('Error in pose jacobian: ', LA.norm(Jdh-Jmdh, 'fro'))
print('Error in pose jacobian derivative',LA.norm(Jdh_dot-Jmdh_dot, 'fro'))


Error in fkm
Error in pose jacobian:  5.056949529391881e-16
Error in pose jacobian derivative 3.9384335993085515e-16

Process finished with exit code 0
mmmarinho commented 2 years ago

@juanjqo Thanks! Before we proceed to reviewing this pull-request, could you add some testing functionality for the new class in python-tests? It can be inspired on what you already did for MATLAB.

juanjqo commented 2 years ago

@mmmarinho sure! I'll go to work on it.

juanjqo commented 2 years ago

Hi @dqrobotics/developers,

@mmmarinho, I added the unit tests for the DQ_SerialManipulatorMDH class here.

