As a domain expert interested in loadtesting, I would like to open a summary view that shows my currently modeled loadtest specifications so that I can verify the models before generating the tests.
Acceptance Criteria
[x] When the user saves a loadtest specification a summary view is created
[x] The summary view can be opened by clicking a button that is labeled as 'loadtest specifications
[x] The summary view holds all information from all currently modeled loadtest specifications on the canvas
As a domain expert interested in loadtesting, I would like to open a summary view that shows my currently modeled loadtest specifications so that I can verify the models before generating the tests.
Acceptance Criteria
[x] When the user saves a loadtest specification a summary view is created
[x] The summary view can be opened by clicking a button that is labeled as 'loadtest specifications
[x] The summary view holds all information from all currently modeled loadtest specifications on the canvas