dr-JT / semoutput

Create nice looking output for CFA and SEM analyses using lavaan and semPlot packages
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invisible output in RStudio dark themes #1

Closed BTunca closed 3 years ago

BTunca commented 5 years ago


Nice package! I noticed that when running the markdown file output was invisible. When I changed to a white RStudio theme it looked normal.

Would that be an easy fix?

Thanks and good job! screenshot_4

dr-JT commented 5 years ago

This is strange. However, it seems to have more to do with RMarkdown dark themes.


I am using the "Material" theme and it displays correctly.

hansero commented 4 years ago

Maybe it's late(2 years:D) but i've a solution with same problem.You need change foreground color of your preferred theme(or change html background)

Here is you can edit your preferred theme : https://tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com

dr-JT commented 3 years ago

I am closing this issue because resolving it seems to require changing theme settings in RStudio