dr-itz / RedminePlannerPlugin

Resource planning plugin for Redmine 2.x/3.x - UNMAINTAINED
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use issues as requirement for planning #4

Open cforce opened 11 years ago

cforce commented 11 years ago

The plugin doesn't make use of exitsing worflows in redmine because it doubles task scheduling with workload estimation and start/end dates in its own task managment. In fact task already exists in redmine as issues, which can be features or bugs or any other issue type with time estimation, start and end date. That shall be integrated so that you can make use of this worflow. Imagine following. Software creation process already start with writing down requirements, then stripping them down for fine grained tasks being able to realize a use case (which can be part of a feature). However these object (use cases, features, 'developer/architects,..' task, the issues in redmine can have start/end date and estimation. So the only thing then i would neeed for ressource planing aqdditionally is to allocate the taks on my ressources and mange this workflow. At the moment this is not possible, because i can't reuse this task information from redmine. I have to double this in form of the plugin task model.

My proposal looks like this:

In "New ressource request " allow in associated planning adding/updating from redmine issues,. Would be useful to be able to select trackers and filter to query on this tasks. Normally in would do ressource planning per request on a version/milestone level, so i wanna schedule from task with a version filter.

If ins this view a search/filter and selection would allow to add tasks from redmine issues, the start/end and estimation date can get used. Morover by redmine tracker worflow and admin an disaalow changing this values, so there is approved ressource planing status in the issue worflow afterwards changing this issues filed start/end date and estimation is not longer allowed.

Another extension of this feature is to compare ressource request against actual issues values (start,end date and estimation) and get alerted if that start to spin off the apporved planning.

dr-itz commented 11 years ago

Resource management is completely separated from other Redmine stuff on purpose. It's meant to be fuzzy and it covers more than just Redmine issues. For example, we need the ability to schedule "helpdesk duty" and other stuff that doesn't make sense to put into a Redmine issue.

Planning assignments to Redmine projects and "version" however is a good idea. It requires some more infrastructure. There needs to be a configuration (per resource planning project - all configuration items will be per project one day) to define the weekly productive hours. With this, it should be possible to create Planner tasks that link a Redmine "version" and calculate the amount of workload to plan.

It's a good extension for the ToDo item "Planning of the target workload for tasks"

cforce commented 11 years ago

Is there progress in feature "Planning of the target workload for tasks"?

jlmaicas commented 9 years ago

In that version is planned to integrate the issues with the plugin?