Open fjudith opened 7 years ago
Please post the full error message. With this I can't do anything... Also, what environment? Platform, Ruby version, etc.?
I recently moved to redmine 3.3.4 Error basically happen once i connect to redmine (i.e login page)
pushd plugins/
git clone -b master --single-branch
Redmine version 3.3.4.stable
Ruby version 2.1.9-p490 (2016-03-30) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
Rails version
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Started GET "/" for at 2017-07-09 13:44:43 +0000
Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML
Current user: fjudith (id=5)
Rendered welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/base (81.6ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 195ms (ActiveRecord: 14.4ms)
SystemStackError (stack level too deep):
I just tried to run this plugin in redmine 3.4.6 --> Error 500
Started GET "/" for at 2018-10-02 08:27:50 +0200
Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML
Current user: anonymous
Rendered welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/base (2.4ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 94ms (ActiveRecord: 3.7ms)
SystemStackError (stack level too deep):
plugins/redmine_workflow_enhancements/lib/workflow_enhancements/patches/action_view_rendering.rb:53:in `render_with_workflow_enhancements'
plugins/redmine_workflow_enhancements/lib/workflow_enhancements/patches/action_view_rendering.rb:53:in `render_with_workflow_enhancements'
... repeat > 2000 times ...
plugins/redmine_workflow_enhancements/lib/workflow_enhancements/patches/action_view_rendering.rb:53:in `render_with_workflow_enhancements'
plugins/redmine_workflow_enhancements/lib/workflow_enhancements/patches/action_view_rendering.rb:53:in `render_with_workflow_enhancements'
lib/redmine/hook/view_listener.rb:59:in `block (2 levels) in render_on'
lib/redmine/hook/view_listener.rb:57:in `map'
lib/redmine/hook/view_listener.rb:57:in `block in render_on'
lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in `block (2 levels) in call_hook'
lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in `each'
lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in `block in call_hook'
lib/redmine/hook.rb:58:in `tap'
lib/redmine/hook.rb:58:in `call_hook'
lib/redmine/hook.rb:96:in `call_hook'
app/views/layouts/base.html.erb:16:in `_app_views_layouts_base_html_erb___489822054319477847_47279067413980'
lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode'
Redmine version 3.4.6.stable
Ruby version 2.4.4-p296 (2018-03-28) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version 4.2.8
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
It turned out that this plugin is not compatible with another plugin. In my case the other plugin is redmine_issues_tree. After uninstalling the other plugin this one works.
I got a 500 error when used with redmine_dashboard. After removing this, it works normally.
Welcome page displays an Error 500 using Redmine 3.3.3
I can get the welcome page once putting comment on line 53
result = render_with_workflow_enhancements(*args, &block)
But latest news does not display.