dr-mod / zero-btc-screen

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Display has gone blank and flashing today #17

Closed romancerny closed 2 years ago

romancerny commented 2 years ago

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ python3 ~/zero-btc-screen/main.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/zero-btc-screen/main.py", line 60, in main() File "/home/pi/zero-btc-screen/main.py", line 46, in main data_sink.update_observers(prices) File "/home/pi/zero-btc-screen/presentation/observer.py", line 18, in update_observers observer.update(data) File "/home/pi/zero-btc-screen/presentation/screens/epd2in13v2.py", line 54, in update self.form_image(data, self.screen_draw) File "/home/pi/zero-btc-screen/presentation/screens/epd2in13v2.py", line 41, in form_image Plot.candle(prices, size=(SCREEN_WIDTH - 45, 93), position=(41, 0), draw=screen_draw) File "/home/pi/zero-btc-screen/data/plot.py", line 61, in candle for i in range(data_offset, len(data), windows_per_candle): ValueError: range() arg 3 must not be zero

I have tried re-flashing the whole system and re-installing all dependencies, but the issue still persists.

Please advise.

romancerny commented 2 years ago

Prior to today, it worked all well without any issues on refresh rate 1 min, 5 min and 15 min

ravnx commented 2 years ago

Not sure what happened, must be a bug in the code with the dataset. I see the array for "data" is coming back 0 length. But its an array of arrays. (I'm not familiar with this code). Must be the dataset changed?

I notice if i change to line instead of candle, its working for me.

Edit: Looks like the floor division is coming back zero for windows_per_candle.

Okay, To fix:

Update the data/plot.py, the candle static method:

    def candle(data, size=(100, 100), position=(0, 0), draw=None, fill_neg="#000000", fill_pos=None):
        width = size[0]
        height = size[1]

        candle_width = 9
        space = 1

        windows_per_candle = 1
        data_offset = 0

        num_of_candles = width // (candle_width + space)
        leftover_space = width % (candle_width + space)

        if num_of_candles < len(data):
            windows_per_candle = len(data) // num_of_candles
            data_offset = len(data) % num_of_candles

        candle_data = []
        for i in range(data_offset, len(data), windows_per_candle):
            if windows_per_candle > 1:
                window = data[i:i + windows_per_candle - 1]
                open = window[0][0]
                close = window[len(window) - 1][3]
                high = max([i[1] for i in window])
                low = min([i[2] for i in window])
                open = data[i][0]
                close = data[i][3]
                high = data[i][1]
                low = data[i][2]

            candle_data.append((open, high, low, close))

        all_values = [item for sublist in candle_data for item in sublist]
dr-mod commented 2 years ago

There seems to be an issue with the data returned by the API, to be precise the last data frame is dated GMT: Sunday, January 23, 2022 3:29:59 AM. If this continues we just need to use another data source, I see that v3 works just fine, though has per-minute data.

romancerny commented 2 years ago

Thanks, guys for the quick response. Hopefully, the data provider will sort that out soon.

It would be nice to have that caught and display a message on the display

ravnx commented 2 years ago

Yeah seeing my graph slowly disappear, definitely no data coming anymore.

alex27riva commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone, mine doesn't work anymore either. I also had a similar issue few months ago.

romancerny commented 2 years ago

Yep, the Coindesk stopped returning data in their API call. Could we have an alternative data source? e.g. Coingecko?


dr-mod commented 2 years ago

As the API is up and running again, I don't think there is a need of migrating to a new one. If, however, it becomes unstable, the one above could be a viable option.

romancerny commented 2 years ago

sounds good. Thanks