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added edit functionality to the flash cards #10

Closed andyb129 closed 4 years ago

andyb129 commented 6 years ago

hopefully this is what you were thinking when adding edit functionality to the flash cards? :-)

Cosmopal commented 6 years ago

Not exactly, but I think this would be fine. Add the delete option also in the ShowFlashCardDetails options, which was there in the initially?

case (R.id.flashcard_delete): FlashCard.getFlashCardFromID(this,mFlashCard.getContentID()).deleteFromDB(this,true); return true;

And why finish the activity after update? //Returning to the FlashCardsHomeActivity finish();

Just toggle again?

Cosmopal commented 6 years ago

@andyb129 can you add the above in the code? or @srv-twry merge it and then I'll add them (again) ?