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#23 Use Retrofit instead of Volley to make Network requests #24

Closed eXeeLD closed 6 years ago

eXeeLD commented 6 years ago

23 Fixed

dr0pdb commented 6 years ago

Please don't add everything in one PR. Create separate PR for each issue.

eXeeLD commented 6 years ago

@srv-twry if i understood it right , i need to create a new branch for every issue then open pr from that branch, tell me if i'm wrong , i'm new to the pr

dr0pdb commented 6 years ago

Yes, you're right. This helps find the source of any possible errors/bugs in the future if they occur. This would be a good read to consolidate this idea

eXeeLD commented 6 years ago

thank you , now i'm on the #14 i opened a branch and now doing home activity , when i finish i will open a new pr