dr0pdb / My-Companion

:computer: :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Android app that caters to the need of an undergraduate student
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Setup Continuous integration #5

Closed dr0pdb closed 6 years ago

dr0pdb commented 6 years ago

Setup Continuous integration with either CircleCI or Travis CI , preferrably the earlier one.

pjbollinger commented 6 years ago

If you don't mind, I would like to try and set this up.

dr0pdb commented 6 years ago

@pjbollinger Sure , please go ahead :smile:

Cosmopal commented 6 years ago

Account to be used? yours?

dr0pdb commented 6 years ago

@Cosmopal Yup mine, I would just like to have the circle.yml created.

pjbollinger commented 6 years ago

Any specific branch you want this to be based off of? I plan on branching off of development since this really isn't a new feature to the app itself.

dr0pdb commented 6 years ago

@pjbollinger Yeah you can branch it off from the development.

pjbollinger commented 6 years ago

This setup (#6) will build all branches for the project. I think you need to setup the CircleCI project before accepting this pull request because it is triggered by changes to the repository, so you can see how it works. The build file is agnostic to the repo, but the README file is specific to this project/repository. Hope that helps!