dr413677671 / PromptGallery-stable-diffusion-webui

A prompt cookbook worked as stable-diffusion-webui extenstions.
Apache License 2.0
153 stars 16 forks source link

Why do I need this? #31

Open WASasquatch opened 1 year ago

WASasquatch commented 1 year ago

It isn't immediately clear from the front page, why I need this, or why it would be helpful to my workflow. Could you elaborate on what this extension is, how it could be used, etc? It has a one sentence description, which is very vague, and then hits ya with a ton of setup and install info.

Please help. :P

junofall commented 1 year ago

You don't.

From what I could immediately gather, it does more or less what the 'styles' dropdown does, just with an image on top. It looks interesting but writing your own config files seems too much work for what you get.

WildDogOne commented 1 year ago

well basically I use it to find good style combinations with different characters and models. The configuration is actually pretty easy, and the result not bad. Imo it is similar to prompt matrix, but easier to search through