dr460nf1r3 / firedragon-browser

A Floorp fork with custom branding 🐉 (mirrored from GitLab)
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Prevent white flashes when Firedragon loads new pages #68

Open ShalokShalom opened 9 months ago

ShalokShalom commented 9 months ago

Hi there 👍🏻

I deeply appreciate that Garuda comes with Darkreader by default. One thing, that this does not solve, is the bleak white loading screen, that loads up, before Darkreader can kick in.

This is a Firefox thing, not specific to the webpage. I remember having an issue open on that for years, but they dont care. Could we change that in the ChromeCSS: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1269392

Or something like that.

dr460nf1r3 commented 9 months ago

That is a great idea. One doubt - if we provide this by default, would everyone who opts out of DarkReader be "handicapped" by that?

@charset "utf-8";
/* CSS Document */

@-moz-document url("about:newtab") {
body { background-color: #011326 !important;}

@-moz-document url(chrome://browser/content/browser.xul) {
browser[type="content-primary"] {background: #011326 !important}

We would have to test how it looks without Dark Reader active.

ShalokShalom commented 9 months ago

Well, that's the case. A white background adds nothing of value. Even without Darkreader, the only "downside" of this is, that you can't be blinded.

Imho, that should be default in Firefox for decades. 🙄

ShalokShalom commented 8 months ago

This is currently prevented from working all the time by a regression introduced with 115. This will be fixed in the next release.

I suggest shipping this configuration with 120.