dr4fters / dr4ft

Multiplayer Online MTG Draft and Sealed Simulator
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Feature Request: Seeded/Rarity Cube Draft #1332

Open Vexac6 opened 3 years ago

Vexac6 commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to add this mode to cube drafts?

A "Seeded" (or Rarity) Cube is a cube in which cards in packs are sorted by rarity. Most of the times, the rarity in a cube doesn't match with the printed rarity, in order to balance the power level of the draft environment and to make some cards show more often than others (for example, engines for deck archetypes can be stored at common rarity). This means there must be a way to customize card rarities, but that seems an easy task. This also means it makes more sense if there are more cards available than players drafting (we're talking about 720-cubes and even greater), but it can be assessed to 360-cubes as well. The hard part involves the pack itself, because it's not about "how many cards" you draft only, but also "how are the cards sorted" in a pack. In fact, different expansions have different pack structures, so I think it's important to leave this kind of customization to the user. If this part requires too much work, I suggest to adopt the standard • 1 Rare/Mythic (the actual ratio is 1 mythic every 7.4 packs) • 3 Uncommons • 10 Commons • 1 Land

Finally, I think it would be cool to add a "custom" rarity (or more than 1), because some people could like to tweak a bit with the pack structure and use something like a rarity for DFC, or for artifacts, or for mana fixing etc...

Features Description

Possible Upgrades

Why is it a good feature Although it's rare to meet people drafting this kind of cubes, most of the times it's because it requires more preparation and work compared to a traditional cube. Me and my playgroup experimented many draft environments and found this one to be the best solution for cubes greater than 360 cards, because it solves the balance issue you have when drafting more cards than the number of players. Pros: • Supports any number of players and any number of cards, still preserving balancing • Simulates the expansion draft feeling, with rare cards being the thrill of the hunt. You get a mythic -> You happy • Very High customization. The cube owner is in charge to balance the environment and direction the draft flow • Very High variety. This is stricly related to many-cards cubes, but rarities help a lot Cons: ◘ Requires a great work in building the cube, but its one-time ◘ Poorly explored environment, players can find it fearsome ◘ Weaker support to combo decks and puzzle (storm, dredge, mill etc) decks, mostly because of not every card showing up

Sorry for the wall of text, but I think that nowadays with the pandemic online drafts have a really powerful engaging potential, and this feature could be the future of cube drafts. Moreover, no other draft simulator offers this chance, so it would be a première ;)

Best wishes, Vexac

aimainnc commented 3 years ago

Definitely want to echo everything Vexac6 said and support interest in this feature! This is the only feature missing that would provide cube owners the perfect place to playtest their cubes with others.