drachtio / drachtio-freeswitch-modules

A collection of open-sourced freeswitch modules that I use in various drachtio applications
MIT License
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RTP problem with examples/google_transcribe.js (Windows/Podman) #131

Open afimuc opened 10 months ago

afimuc commented 10 months ago

I'm having trouble getting google_transcribe.js to work with Podman under Windows. I can hear the prompt, but nothing seems to be transcribed and none of the event listeners are being called. I suspect that the RTP packets are not being correctly received by Freeswitch, but I currently have no idea how to go about debugging this.

I'm starting drachtio-server and drachtio-freeswitch-mrf like this:

podman run --rm --name drachtio-server ^
-v config/drachtio.conf.xml:/etc/drachtio.conf.xml ^
-p 9022:9022/tcp ^
-p 5062:5062/tcp ^
-p 5062:5062/udp ^

podman run --rm --name freeswitch ^
-v config/freeswitch:/usr/local/freeswitch/conf ^
-e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/credentials/google_application_credentials.json ^
-p 8022:8022/tcp ^
-p 5038:5038/tcp ^
-p 5039:5039/tcp ^
-p 20000-21000:20000-21000/udp ^
drachtio/drachtio-freeswitch-mrf ^
freeswitch ^
--sip-port 5038 ^
--tls-port 5039 ^
--rtp-range-start 20000 ^
--rtp-range-end 21000

Podman creates a virtual network:

(inside WSL)> ip route show
default via dev eth0 dev podman0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src

and assigns IPs to drachtio-server and to freeswitch.

I have added <contact external-ip="">sip:*:5062;transport=udp,tcp</contact> to drachtio.conf.xml.

With my softphone connected to my locally running Freeswitch Windows instance, and having started google_transcribe.js, I can then call sip:1002@ and hear the audio prompt. However, I don't hear any response, probably because my RTP packets don't make it to freeswitch.

Adding a route like route ADD MASK doesn't help.

Being a SIP newbie, I haven't been able to make much of the packet capture yet. Any suggestions about how to debug this would be welcome!
