drachtio / drachtio-server

A SIP call processing server that can be controlled via nodejs applications
MIT License
239 stars 92 forks source link

Port is passing correctly when making the first call but it alters anywhere else - Sip Proxy #239

Open Mattbrndt opened 1 year ago

Mattbrndt commented 1 year ago

Hello all!

I'm trying to configure a Sip Proxy in my server using Drachtio and I'm encountering some issues:

After configuring everything (Hopefully correctly) the first call I sent out worked perfectly, the proxy worked and the IP and Ports were perfect, however: From the second call onwards I noticed that the PORT was completely different from the one I configured/sent out the first time and now the call wasn't working (SNGREP accused the call to be stuck on "Ringing" and trying the other proxies indefinitely)

Can someone clarify to me how I can force the port on all calls?

Appreciate it a lot! I've attached some images from proxy working on both servers, please note the ports that Drachtio is sending out. The IP that Drachtio sends out is the one ending on .160

MicrosoftTeams-image (1)

The first one worked perfectly but from then on it didn't

Thank you for any and all help

davehorton commented 1 year ago

sorry not to have gotten back to you on this. Could you supply a drachtio log file?