dracidoupe / graveyard

Open Source reimplementation of https://www.dracidoupe.cz/
MIT License
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Assign items to correct authors #191

Open Almad opened 3 years ago

Almad commented 3 years ago

We have a special "null" author having the following creations. Based on the look in the creations themselves, they do have authors and they do have valid authors, so this looks like a bug in the data, creations should be walked through and fixed:

{'clanky': {'creations': [<CommonArticle: clanky: Altar hledá alfatestery od >],
  'page': <CreativePage: Rubrika Články&Eseje>},
 'novapovolani': {'creations': [<CommonArticle: novapovolani: Upír od >],
  'page': <CreativePage: Rubrika Nová Povolání>},
 'noverasy': {'creations': [<CommonArticle: noverasy: Lidoop od >],
  'page': <CreativePage: Rubrika Nové Rasy>},
 'expanze': {'creations': [<CommonArticle: expanze: Vzývání božstev od >],
  'page': <CreativePage: Rubrika Rozvoj DrD>},
 'hranicar': {'creations': [<CommonArticle: hranicar: Šťít z dračí kůže červeného draka od >,
   <CommonArticle: hranicar: Nezanechávání  stop od >,
   <CommonArticle: hranicar: Sokolník od >,
   <CommonArticle: hranicar: Plášt zasloužilého druida od >],
  'page': <CreativePage: Rubrika Hraničář>},
 'valecnik': {'creations': [<CommonArticle: valecnik: Vrh zbraní  od >,
   <CommonArticle: valecnik: lektvar: Válečnická zuřivost od >,
   <CommonArticle: valecnik: Krollí boty od >],
  'page': <CreativePage: Rubrika Válečník>},
 'zlodej': {'creations': [<CommonArticle: zlodej: Posilovač od >,
   <CommonArticle: zlodej: Specializace od >,
   <CommonArticle: zlodej: zlodějské oko od >,
   <CommonArticle: zlodej: psí plyn od >],
  'page': <CreativePage: Rubrika Zloděj>},
 'galerie': {'creations': [<GalleryPicture: Mořská panna od >,
   <GalleryPicture: Laktibrada2 od >,
   <GalleryPicture: Mladý šermíř od >],
  'page': <CreativePage: Rubrika Galerie>},
 'hrbitov': {'creations': [<CommonArticle: hrbitov: Alarik a jeho podlosti od >,
   <CommonArticle: hrbitov: Eugen - bystrý kroll od >,
   <CommonArticle: hrbitov: Destero,tyran a dobyvatel od >],
  'page': <CreativePage: Rubrika Hřbitov>},
 'dovednosti': {'creations': [<Skill: MIneralogie od >,
   <Skill: Bylinkářství od >,
   <Skill: První pomoc od >],
  'page': <CreativePage: Rubrika Dovednosti>},
 'downloady': {'creations': [<DownloadItem: Paladin od >],
  'page': <CreativePage: Rubrika Downloady>}}
Nathaka commented 3 years ago


Almad commented 3 years ago

Also indirectly causes https://sentry.io/share/issue/673fc123a01b4da685f7a4f560390860/

Almad commented 3 years ago

@Nathaka Could you please also backup somewhere creations for this user from the original site? They are the one getting stray creations auto-assigned; I'll give him some random nickname, but I just want to make sure we have a track record and can fix stuff manually if needed 😬

Nathaka commented 3 years ago

@Almad By backup you mean 1) just the article names and IDs, 2) copy article texts, or 3) everything including html and files? Because the first one is basically done in the google sheet, the second one I can do but I don't see the point and the third one is hard without access to RS.

Nathaka commented 3 years ago

@Almad It's done. Couldn't find anything on a lot of articles, but it's mostly from 2001 & 2002 when you manually added a lot of stuff from random drd-related websites (you can find most of them in Links section). Some of them have e-mails or websites attached, some of them don't. I have linked the source when possible. Sometimes the original author has a username on our web (Chereos from klandraku.d2.cz and UG from drd.webz.cz). Worth mentioning are two articles apparently written by very young UnknowN (I guess he needs more) and one article from Tomash who I remember to be the one who started dradou.cz with you. ;) Let me know about the backup needed.

Almad commented 3 years ago

Thanks! When I was looking last time, the list was shorter. Great job!

Almad commented 3 years ago

I've assigned the null user a nick. Let's see how much of the old site will break :D

Nathaka commented 3 years ago

I've assigned the null user a nick. Let's see how much of the old site will break :D

Looks like everything is fine, creations disappeared from his user stats and nothing else happened AFAIK.