dracidoupe / graveyard

Open Source reimplementation of https://www.dracidoupe.cz/
MIT License
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Activity Tracking #232

Open Almad opened 3 years ago

Almad commented 3 years ago

Final state of activity tracking. My thinking:

The feed is displayed on a dedicated page (probably landing page after login).

Independently from that, User chooses if they want to have the news delivered somewhere. I'd start with email only, with potential other options added if users feel like it (RSS, webhook/discord/slack/...).

Unlike today, email would not be delivered per item, but as a digest for a given time period (I'd support hour / day / week / month).

Nathaka commented 3 years ago

Would also love to have:

A nice option would be to split this feed into columns (one, two or three) and pick what goes in what column. Is this possible? Or some other way to split into different "feed" categories? (Because for people like me who want to track everything it would get kinda unpleasant after a while)

Does packaged delivery into dracidoupe.cz Pošta make sense? Would be nice to have it archived somewhere on the web itself

Almad commented 3 years ago

Pošta definitely, that was an omission.

What do you mean by columns / categories?

Nathaka commented 3 years ago

Columns/categories -> basically channels, meaning I hope the newsfeed won't be just a single column of stuff flowing through or being displayed from most recent, but will rather be customizable AND dividable into parts so I can watch different things separately or filter them on the spot. I'm not sure If it's clear, if not I can explain on discord.

Almad commented 3 years ago

Ah, I somehow thought about emails only. Sure, news on the site may get custom filtering, although I'd say that only makes sense to do if we reach sufficient volume.

Nathaka commented 3 years ago

I don't know, imagine you have every single thing that can be added to the site in your newsfeed tracker. It only takes a few people and several hours to fill a full page and it would be really nice to somehow not only filter it but also show it all in two or three separate customized feeds... we'll see when we get there :)