dracidoupe / graveyard

Open Source reimplementation of https://www.dracidoupe.cz/
MIT License
6 stars 4 forks source link

Password reset broken on production #394

Closed Almad closed 2 years ago

Almad commented 2 years ago

Works on localhost and in tests though.

https://sentry.io/share/issue/3566acf3746b44998959b8383cf3d6ee/ https://sentry.io/share/issue/5abe7afbfdf245c0807dadd9e4d424d9/

Almad commented 2 years ago

The second (mailing) issue is a problem with smtplib.

Almad commented 2 years ago

Oh wow OK

Almad commented 2 years ago

OK, domainkey fixed, let's wait for DNS to propagate; I am suspicious that this is the issue.

Almad commented 2 years ago


Almad commented 2 years ago
almad@hyuga graveyard % heroku config:set MAILGUN_SMTP_PORT=587 -a dracidoupe
Setting MAILGUN_SMTP_PORT and restarting ⬢ dracidoupe... done, v219
 ▸    Release command executing: this config change will not be available until the command succeeds. Use `heroku releases:output` to view the log.
almad@hyuga graveyard % 
Almad commented 2 years ago

Seems like Heroku started blocking outgoing port 25...and we want to go via TLS anyway.