draconisPW / PWMAngband

A free, multi-player roguelike dungeon exploration game based on Angband
35 stars 11 forks source link

exclude colors from death dump #588

Closed igroglaz closed 1 year ago

igroglaz commented 1 year ago

eg https://stat.tangaria.com/chars/Wishdestroyer-22493221012023.txt

> Lagduf, the Snaga, hits you for $r4^r damage.
> Lagduf, the Snaga, hits you for $r9^r damage.
> Lagduf, the Snaga, hits you for $r4^r damage.
> Lagduf, the Snaga, hits you for $r9^r damage.
s88100 commented 1 year ago

don't print subcolors $ and ^ tags in message log. character dumps also takes from log messages.

/* We don't need to log *everything* */
if (strchr("[", *msg)) log = false;
if (type == MSG_MOTD) log = false;

/* We don't need to log subcolors $ and ^ tags */
draconisPW commented 1 year ago
