Plays have a rich <sourceDesc> with contains both DraCor's <bibl> element (referring to the digital source, i.e. Early Print) and two legacy <biblFull> elements from Early Print (one referring to the original printed source and the other to the digital source for Early Print itself, i.e. the Text Creation Partnership - EEBO/ECCO). See this file as an example. Should we simplify it to align with DraCor standards, while still keeping a reference to previous sources?
Plays have a rich
with contains both DraCor's<bibl>
element (referring to the digital source, i.e. Early Print) and two legacy<biblFull>
elements from Early Print (one referring to the original printed source and the other to the digital source for Early Print itself, i.e. the Text Creation Partnership - EEBO/ECCO). See this file as an example. Should we simplify it to align with DraCor standards, while still keeping a reference to previous sources?