Closed 237dmitry closed 1 month ago
Hi, Could you provide a screenshot and more details about your OS, please?
Thanks for answer. There are two screenshots 2560x1600 and 1920x1080. Look at titles, the 2560 one is too narrow in this resolution:
2560x1600 (narrow titles)
1920x1080 (normal titles)
One more question; Those applications header in your screenshot are themed by Xfwm4 theme or GTk?
One more question; Those applications header in your screenshot are themed by Xfwm4 theme or GTk?
GTK, I think:
$ xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName
$ xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme
But I am not entirely sure. For example, when I use some themes made by vinceliuice I replace xfwm4 directory with xfwm4-hdpi
I see now, thanks for the information!.
I just tried the nordic themes (darker and Polar) and they work great with hdpi. Thanks a lot!
Tested Dracula and it also great on hdpi. So I close feature request. Thank you very much!
This is not applicable at all on xfce at 2560x1600. Very narrow disproportionate window titles.