dracula / jetbrains

🧛🏻‍♂️ Dark theme for JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, RubyMine, PhpStorm, WebStorm, etc.)
MIT License
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Problem Datagrip version build March 31, 2021 #49

Closed cesguto closed 3 years ago

cesguto commented 3 years ago

Hello. After updating the datagrip 2021 .1 to a version built on March 31, 2021 the Dracula theme was removed and even trying to reinstall it is still not shown. Can you help me? image

jorgealfonsogarcia commented 3 years ago

Hello @cesguto . I'm currently have the same problem with the Dracula theme for IntelliJ. How did you solve it? Thanks!

cesguto commented 3 years ago

Hello @cesguto . I'm currently have the same problem with the Dracula theme for IntelliJ. How did you solve it? Thanks!


I applied the latest version update and it worked again image